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Wet Air

How can I contol the asthma I have when it rain for days or if it's humid I ffind this very difficult?
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599258 tn?1241189161
Your airways are obviously hypersensitive to moisture in the air . Very common and I can totally relate. Even a slight increase in relative humidity can send me over the edge.
Fortunately, I now live in Northern California where it doesn't get very humid.

The best advice I can give, is to somehow dehumidify the humid air you're exposed to.
Don't exercise outdoors if its too humid . Maybe workout in an air conditioned gym.
If at all possible, move to a drier climate.

Best of luck!
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hey jae7!
i understand what you are going through..i too have allergic air way and will start sneeze if weather start getting cold.The one thing you could do is avoid getting wet and try to check around what time you normally get the attack(most asthma patient get the attack during the morning).after finding it out the time start doing some physical exercise during that hour.Physical exercise will warm your body and it can help to prevent asthma.But always remember dont ever push so much.Hot tea or coffee also of great help because it contain some substances known as theophyline which is a natural bronchodilator(a substance that can cause your airway to dilate so it will be easiar to breath).So even when you get an attack it would not be so severe.
hopefully it will help you to overcome your problem.
take care!
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