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seasonal affected asthma

Hi all, I'm 19 and I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 2, just in the last few years my asthma symptoms improve during the warmer months, its like I don't even have asthma! No wheezing, no tight chest, no shortness of breath etc its brilliant! But once the cold winter months set in, I find it hard to accomplish the simplest of tasks without having to take my reliever (blue inhaler)! I wrap up warmly before leaving the house, making
sure the cold air cannot get to my chest, I've increased how much steroid inhaler but nothing seems to be working
and just recently its getting me down a little bit, even just walking up the stairs makes me wheezy and have a tight chest. It also disturbs my sleep, simply by just not being able to breathe properly and coughing a lot, I also can't lay in certain positions in bed because it'll squash my chest :( I guess my question is: is there ANYTHING I  can do to improve symptoms or even stop them altogether? I'm grateful for any help anyone can give me! Thank you for taking the time to read this! :)
4 Responses
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4723247 tn?1358381234
Heyyy I might be able to help you out? I have asthma and it is not fun during the winter when the sharp cold air makes it harder to breath. I have noticed that as well and my best offer is to go to your Docker and see if she or he can help you out and here is some info from me, make sure you don't walk too fast in the winter because when you walk more you breath more and the sharp air is more harsh on the breathing when have asthma and it only makes it more hard to breath and also dress worm and take it easy wile you are out, take slower, not fast, slower breaths and hope and pray it works for you cause it worked for me.

Your's truly and best of luck: Emosynergirl
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Hello! Thanks for your comment & tips, its true its not fun at all this time of the year, I will take your advice by going to see my doctor, because it gets a bit too much sometimes and its worth seeing if they can prescribe me any stronger inhalers to use during this cold spell! Also walking slower whilst out and about is a good idea as I find even though I wrap up warmly, the cold air still seems to get to me as I do walk quite fast (mainly to get out of the cold lol!) but I definitely will take walking etc much slower!
Thanks for your advice and make sure you take care of yourself and your lungs lol :) Ellie.
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Aw, I feel your pain - my sis has had asthma most her life and I like to be a part of these forums to get more advice for her. She's my only little sis and I don't like seeing her suffer. I also like getting my questions asked from docs, but who has time to go into a doc's office all the time?! Instead, I just use my newly acquired smartphone (finally figured out how to use it properly) and ask away here: bit.ly/VmZkTj
P.S. I agree with the comment above: don't push yourself too hard, keep it slow.
Feel better!
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Oops, answered by docs*

Guess I still have trouble with the keyboard
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