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I have been told again and again that Latex Paint has NO fumes and shouldnt bother my asthma  Well I am running into problems at work with them using Latex paint and they are saying it should NOT bother me as it DOES NOT have fumes it is Latex  Well sure enough it triggered offf an attack and I left work yesterday at 11:00 am and still was having difficulty breathing today  They painted one more layer today should the fumes be pretty well gone tomorrow?  I am very concerned about how people have the misunderstanding what the fumes can do to a person who has severe asthma  I tried to work in a room away from the fumes with a fan and a cool mist humidifier but it didnt work  If Latex doesnt have fumes why is it triggering off my asthma   Thanks I appreciate your help Peggy Joe
2 Responses
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650886 tn?1226073526
Hi Peggy!

I hope you are able to come up for air and get as far away from this situation at work for as long as you're able. It sounds like you may be allergic to some of the chemicals from the paint since latex paint does not have natural rubber in it OR from the actual latex in the masking tape that they may be using protect some areas from the paint, which, btw, is full of latex!

You know, asthma is closely related to allergies and when allergies of any kind are triggered, asthma can easily kick in too.

I found an informative link on this subject which you can visit here:

Hope this helps and all my best wishes...

Your Friend in Faith
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144586 tn?1284666164
All latex paint contains solvents that can precipitate death in an asthmatic. Whoever informed you otherwise has one brain cell in his left toe. Advise them not to have children.

This is not a minor issue.

Inform your boss that his actions constitute a D felony of reckless endangerment, in case he doesn't get the point.

With good ventilation, all windows open, three-four days should clear the place out of fumes.
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