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breathing issues and i am pregnant

for about 5 days now i havent been able to catch deep breaths. my inhalor doesnt help at all. it feels like someone is standing on my throat and chest. i am 2mths pregnant and canot take a lot of medications. what can this be, and how can i fix it? it is very frustrating. i just want to give up and cry.
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You need to contact your doctor ASAP and let him/her know what's going on and that your inhaler is not helping.  It could be an early infection, an asthma attack, something related to the pregnancy - it's really hard to know.  But for the health and safety for both yourself and your baby, please see your doctor as soon as you can.
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168348 tn?1379357075
What did your Doctor say?  I hope you are feeling better.

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