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asthma in the winter

how do i help my asthma in the winter months
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If you're like me, cold air can trigger an asthma attack - and so can overly dry air like is so common during the winter months with the heat running.

A couple of things I can suggest:

1) if the air in your home is dry due to the heat running, consider using a humidifier to add some moisture to the air - but be very diligent about keeping it clean and changing the water, etc., or else you'll end up with a mold issue and that also can trigger an attack.

2) Whenever you go outside in teh cold, cover your nose and mouth with a scarf or something so that you're breathing in moister, warmer air rathe rthan the cold air.

3) Keep yourself VERY WELL hydrated.  Many people think that they don't need to drink as much water, etc., during the colder months because they are not sweating as much, however, it's just as important to drink a lot during the winter months - again in part due to the dry air from the heat running.

Also, since the winter months are also "the flu season" months, be careful about exposure to the flu and other germs.  Be diligent about washing hands, etc. and if you feel yourself getting sick, get to your doctor sooner rather than later.  Because of your asthma, you are at a higher risk for complications from what normally might have been a simple case of the flu.  This is especially important to see your doctor if you find that you're having to use your resuce inhaler more often than normal or if there is a change in the mucous you're producing - especially if it becomes colored  (yellow or green) rather than clear or white)  Because the airways are already sensitive and can be inflamed with asthma, it's easier for us to go into bronchitis and/or pneumonia than others sometimes.

If you're able to, it may also help to get the flu vaccine - while it may not completely keep you from getting sick, it may lessen the severity if you do and may help avoiding complications.

I hope some of these ideas help.
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