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asthma medication help

My 9 year old son has been on flonase 50 mcg, singulair 5 mg, and pulmicort 180 mcg for the last year and a half.  He is also on xopenex when needed.  I am concerned because during this time he has gained almost 30 lbs.  He also has very strange dreams and can be quite moody.  My major concern is the weight gain.  Does anyone know if the medications could be causing the weight gain and other problems.  Thanks!
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242588 tn?1224271700
Inhaled corticosteroids, such as Pulmicort Turbuhaler® (budesonide inhalation powder), can result in mood changes, sleep disorders and weight gain.  However this seldom happens in the dose your son is prescribed 180 mcg, which is a low dose of Pulmicort Turbuhaler® (budesonide inhalation powder).  We would be very reluctant to attribute his weight gain and symptoms to this dose of inhaled steroid, even taking into account the additional effect of absorbed Flonase® (fluticasone).  You should discuss this with his doctor.  If his asthma has been stable for 3 months or longer, ask his doctor if a reduction in Pulmicort Turbuhaler® (budesonide inhalation powder) dose might appropriately be considered.
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I did a little research on Singulair a while back and found other people with the same comment about strange dreams & nightmares.  Interesting!!
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