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asthma symptoms

does asthma cause any other symptoms besides the coughing and wheezing ,chest tightening . like irratation to the throat or burning or itchy feeling in the chest
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746512 tn?1388807580
I get very itchy throat and lungs with asthma symptoms and when my coughing is bad I get a red, irriated throat and very sore muscles in my chest.  

So yes, those are possible symptoms of asthma but probably minor secondary ones.  

(although I have heard of some people whose major symptom of asthma being itchy lungs)
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1200240 tn?1289339687
I have suffered Asthma since 1953. I have had chest pains with Asthma, cramps in my lung,sweating,throbing headaches,shakes and itchy lungs as mentioned  by Tammy2009. It depends on the severity of the condition at the time. If you have an Asthma attack always try to keep as calm as possible at all times and do try to do the breathing exercises more often than not the attack would subside, but of course if the condition is really bad alway get help.
I do hope your not having too many problems with Asthma

I intend to write about my experiences with Asthma in my journal, some not so bad and some that has been traumatic over the years.

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I get Shortness of breath and when I Breath I'm an Asthmatic and I get the itchy Throat and Chest inside my lungs and slight back pain ughhhh Can wait to get better its a wait n see situation , I use a Nebulizer it help tremendously other wise the Inhailers don't . I'm also on Prednisone. My Doctor Said today I have Restrictive Lung Desease. I think its me having an Asthma flair . Anyone else have these symptoms ?
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