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what is the best cure for a asthmatic 3 year old?
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
There is no cure for asthma.  The ideal is to have the lowest amount of medication needed to allow the child to breathe easily, have the least impact of daily activities and few emergency visits.

The symptoms of the disease may change as they grow (more severe or become less severe) but the underlying disease never goes away.
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180749 tn?1443595232
The Yoga Pranayam (breathing exercises) will  help with to control asthma and the need for medication will decrease.
Build up your timing gradually. If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after 1 minute.Try and do this with the child everyday in a funny way. You do it as well to encourage the child.

Anulom Vilom –
Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril  
then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril  
then -keeping the left nostril closed  deep breath-in through right nostril
then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.
This is one cycle of anulom vilom.
Repeat this cycle for 5 minutes twice a day.

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