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beware of steroids/asthma

I just wanted to say something- to be very aware about having to take steroids while having asthma. pneumonia episodes....
I have had to take Prednisone at high doses while pneumonia is present.
Over the past 4 months I have developed severe cataracts- along with a 'white spot' problem that is rapidly taking my sight.
I will be blind- cataract surgery won't help because they will grow right back. Just reading/typing is very very difficult- and it is going to get worse=
I was shocked to find this out last week- please- talk with your doc about this ahead of time...
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I forgot to add that I have several vacules that make bright light hard to deal with.
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Sorrry it has been so long.  Alot has come up- I'll post that in the Mental Health forum...
I used to work in eye surgery about 18 years ago.  Yes, the capsule that holds the cataract is removed and a lens inserted.  But more cataracts can form, especially if propelled by steroids.  Restasis has made a world of difference in the pain- it is soooo much better.  With more moisture being made, I have less incidents of the pain being so bad that I can't even open my eyes.  I still have times when I can't see anything but not nearly so much.
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Have you been to an ophthalmologist or ocular surgeon to get a second opinion about your  cataracts?  I have never heard of cataracts that "grow back."  In cataract surgery, they remove your natural lens (which has a cataract) and replace it with an artificial lens implant.

Although cataract surgery is a pain, and doesn't restore your "natural" eyesight, I have never heard that the growth of cataracts necessarily means blindness.  The second condition oral steroids can cause is glaucoma, which leads to destruction of the optic nerve and in fact, if untreated, can make you blind.

What is the "white spot" problem?  A virus?  I haven't been able to find anything on the Internet.
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