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body acting strange

i have been battling strange behavior from my body. in my condo, i have two AC units on the roof of the building. one AC controls the Bedroom, bathroom and the other one controls the livingroom area. at one time i could not walk from the bedroom to the livingroom area unless i stopped to catch my breath. i recently found that pigeons were nesting in my bedroom AC unit. i have taken care of that problem. the guys said it was at least 30lbs shoveled from the unit. i can now walk more freely. yet i still have problems going from room to room, hot to cold. even the slight temperature from AC to AC give my problems with breathing. it seems anymore i have trouble being outside and just walking normal without stopping to allow my body to get use to the temperature and getting my breathe. it feels like my throat just swells up or tightens up. the mornings i cough with lots and lots of mucous and i also get these fits when the sun goes down. i also will get them if i take a nap and wake up. it is like the mucous is just building up and i need to cough to get it out. i don't know what plugs are but i think some of it may be a plug or two. i don't know who to see. ears nose and throat. allergiest. lung doctor i am not sure. i take proair and it only works for 2 hours. i feel like i just need to sit in my condo and do nothing because it is embarassing when i can't walk to go to an event because i need to stop and calm my body down (throat tightens).
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You are sufferring from chronic bronchitis. Proair is fine. But that won't solve your problem. You need to start a course of antibiotics. Start with Capsule amoxyclav (1 capsule 3 times a day for 2 weeks). Take 1 tablet cetrizine twice daily fro 2 weeks. The, you can start using ADVAIR once daily.

But, it will be advisable to consult a pulmonologist.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Hi and welcome to our community!   Reading your post, as a mom of two asthmatic children, what stands out to me is that you are getting these bronchiospasms with change of temperature perhaps?   One way to help in the cold air (we were told for my daughter by her allergist/pulmonologist) was to wrap a scarf around her neck and breath back into the scarf to allow the moisture to be inhaled.  Not so sure in the summer this will be helpful, but the AC and nightime air all can be triggers.

If the ProAir isn't lasting too long, you should see your doctor for PFT tests, etc.  

Keep us posted and good luck!

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