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help please

I am 23 years old and have had asthma since I was born, and smoked a little when I was younger. For the past year I have had a dull, annoying pain in my left lung. I have had an xray but nothing was seen. I cough up regular mucas stuff with a little bit of stuff that looks like dirt, mixed in with it. I do smoke medical marijuana, but nothing else. I just wonder what it could be?????? Thank you anyone who can help me.......
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942934 tn?1268108382
Welcome to the asthma community!

Producing excess lung mucous is a sign that your asthma is not in control. You really should see your doctor about this, so your treatment plan can be updated.
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Here's a thought STOP smoking the weed. Its obviously doing you more harm than good and see your doctor immediately. It sounds like your meds need to be changed.
Good luck and I hope you are feeling better soon
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