284558 tn?1225606992


what other meds are out that i can use to help is there steriod that will help my lungs.
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284558 tn?1225606992
hi take albuterol and in my breathing machine and my doc gave me symbicort but i havent taken it yet how does it work after u take it..i also have anxiety to so when my anxiety kicks in my asthma does to i take my meds like i should and some times if i stay in the house i have to stay in front of the fan are in col air. i am going to write all theis down and talk with the doc and see what she can do.
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313143 tn?1239382879
Without knowing which medication you are currently taking to treat your asthma, this question is rather difficult to answer.  However, here are some options you may be able to discuss with your pulmonary specialist.

A common option for severe-persistant asthmatics is to use an inhaler that combines two medications, a long acting beta2-agonist with a corticosteroid.  Advair combines Fluticasone (a corticosteroid) and Salmeterol (a beta2-agonist), while Symbicort combines Budesonide (a corticosteroid) and Formoterol (a beta2-agonist).  Both are good options, that come in a variety of different strengths.

Alternatively, corticosteroid inhalers without the beta2-agonist component are also available.  Common corticosteroid options include Pulmicort, Aerobid, Flovent, Asmanex, and Asmacort.

If your asthma has an allergic component, you may benefit from a Leukotriene Modifier, such as Singulair, Accolate, or Zyflo.  A Mast Cell Stabilizer such as Cromolyn may also be helpful, but is usually recommended for milder asthmatics.

A newer option for severe allergic asthma is Xolair.  Although I am less familiar with this particular treatment, I believe it is administered by injection every couple of weeks.

Theophylline is an older oral medication used for asthma, but it is rarely prescribed anymore.  However, your doctor may consider it if you aren't getting enough relief from your other medications.

The last option I can think of off the top of my head is trying other bronchodilators during an asthma exacerbation.  Some common bronchodilators include Ventolin, Brethaire, Maxair, Alupent, and Xopenex.  Atrovent can also be used, but is more commonly used in other lung conditions.

Good luck communicating with your pulmonary specialist.  I hope they are able to help you find adequate treatment.

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