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frequent asmatic attacks

my little boy has frequent asmatic attacks which makes breathing so difficult for that he experencies sleepless nigths, most usually crying throu out the nigths.How can this be managed.Indeed it is affecting his growth.
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942934 tn?1268108382
So sorry to hear that. Is he being seen by a pulmonary specialist? Is he taking any sort of preventative medications apart from ventoIin? He obviously needs to have his asthma controlled. I do know that they don't like to over medicate children on steroid puffers. But I do believe they are allowed up to 400ug/day safely before any side effects become apparent, such as slowed growth. Does he have a lot of air born allergies? Allergy shots really worked well for my daughter with her allergy/asthma symptoms. It's better then over medicating them. Plus the child is much happier with less symptoms plaguing them. Depending on how old he is, but he might be ok. with getting shots every week. I started my daughter on them when she was 9 years old. Another non-steroidal pill that can be taken is Singulair, which can also be taken in along side the steroid inhaler to enhance it's affect. Singulair on it's own is only good for really mild asthma. It comes in chewable form for kids to take. I don't know what else to suggest, other then the key to managing asthma is to control any environmental triggers (allergies), and address any comorbid diseases that will aggravate the asthma, such as reflux disease, and sinusitis.
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