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open minded doctors

anyone know of a doctor, preferrably in san diego county or southern cali, who isnt married to advair or any of the other inhaled steroids for environmentally caused asthma?  do you know of anyone who has had success not using any inhaled steroids?  thanks. my email is ***@****
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thank you so much. im very happy i decided to join.
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thanks you guys...haha caregiver...youre right! what was i thinking. thanks for the advice and the info.
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There are a few Buteyko practitioners in Southern California. This is a breathing method that has been researched and shown to have benefits to asthma sufferers. There is a lot of info on the internet about it and it could be worth your looking into.
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144586 tn?1284666164
"Open-minded doctor".  That's what is called an oxymoron.

Singulair works, but has many side effects, including neurological problems. As far as comparing it with steroids, it's a matter of out-of-the-frying pan, into the fire.

Acupuncture works in some cases, but few practicioners know the techniques. You can use albuterol sulfate, which is non-steroidal. Another idea is to see an allergist. Sometimes they can de-sensitize you by a series of exposures to known allergins.
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746512 tn?1388807580
You could ask your doctor about singulair.  It is a leutotriene inhibitor and thus works different to control symptoms than steroids.  However it doesn't work as well as inhaled steroids so typically is an add so one can lower their dose of steroids or in mild cases.

At this point, inhaled steriods are the best choice for controlling asthma.  It controls the inflammation in the lungs and prevents attacks.  

I don't know any doctors in that area since I live in Canada but good luck finding a good one.
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