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over inflated lungs

my 10 year old son is an asthmatic and has recently been hospitalised with his 2nd onset of pnuemonia. Upon recieving his xray it is noted that he has "over inflated lungs" consistent with the known history of asthma (which was diagnosed years ago with the childrens hospital...and is really only out of control when physically active) with some degree of partial collapse and consolidation. What does this mean,as I am concerned. Is it that its caused by the pnuemonia and will go away or from the asthma and will stay?
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I have beem diagnosed with overinflated lungs. Yet, never any signs or symptoms of asthma etc. No pain, no visible changes noticed at all by be.
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Hyperinflated lungs is common in asthma. I would say more so from the asthma than the pnuemonia. The partial collapse and consolidation is something that could have been caused from him overworking his lungs. That isn't a chronic thing so far that I know.
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I don't know, but I'm so sorry to hear that.  I'm sure someone will have some insite for you.
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