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runner.. can't.. breathe.. in.. MO..

Good evening.  I've been trying to find some answers to whatever is going on with me all over but have come up with negative results.  Maybe you all could assist.

Background-  I am extremely fit, 33 y/o female, and I came from Washington State 2 weeks ago to Missouri State running 7-10 miles 4 times a week, religiously.  Weekly regimen includes strength training and intervals 2 times a week for 45 min ea. I wear a heart rate monitor and I can generally maintain 190 bpm, comfortably at 180, and full out sprints peaking at 210.  I'm absolutely fine with that and love pushing my body.  I'm in great health, take my Vitamens, eat semi-clean with the occasional splurge of bread or ice cream.

Issue- I came to Missouri State 2 weeks ago and took off running the first day and immediately felt like I couldn't get enough breath.  Just thinking I needed to get used the elevation change or something (only + 800 ft) pushed myself harder.  After being here, I still CAN NOT breathe when I run.  I feel like I'm not taking in enough air; like there is a heavy weight on my chest.  My heart rate reaches MAX 180 and I am DONE, ready to collapse!  In fact, I did sprints today and max HR was 183!!  to include constantly coughing afterward.  Can someone tell me what is up with that?!?!  Usually I get like that at 200+ bpm.  

Honestly, what has changed from one state to the other in the matter of a plane ride??? Did I catch something on the plane lol???  Please assist!  Thank you!
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746512 tn?1388807580
Might be a slight infection going on causing inflammation and problems.  I would talk to your doctor about getting pulmonary function tests - this would show you if there is anything going on with your lungs that warrants further testing or medication.

Otherwise it might just be a bit of inflammation so if you can increase any anti-inflammation food or vitamins (omega 3s, nuts, seeds, veggies, vitamin C) and don't be too hard on yourself.

Hope that helps and everything settles down for you.  
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Do you just moved to Missouri? Maybe you are experiencing anxiety. It can affect your breathing big time.
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