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My 9 yr old gets Asthma usually if he's got a cold or through allergies. For example he is allergic to cats and dogs, and contact can give him a flare up.
We were told by his Doc that if anyone gets sick to start treating him upon the first cough.
They said start with Xopenex (every 4-6 hrs) and give him Flovent once in the morning and once at night. Do this for about 1-2 days. But doesn't it take weeks for Flovent to kick in? Why would they have me do it like this. How could it help him for only 1-2 days?
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Flovent starts to work with one dose but takes up to 2 weeks to get full benefit.  You probably were given a prescription dose that is a little higher than if he was on it daily.  The higher dose will allow the medication to work faster.  

Your doctor wants to balance the need for getting enough steriods into your son to help his lungs but not using steriods more than necessary.  

The best you can do is follow the instructions to the letter and start the steriods at the first sign of a cold.  
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757137 tn?1347196453
Flovent is a corticosteroid. It is not generally prescribed for short-term use. Inhaled steroids carry substantial risk, especially for children. Ask about alternative treatments if the xopenex is not sufficiently helpful..
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