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shortness of Breath

Hello Doctor,
I am a 27 years old male, I have been smoking since I was 20. However recently like 2 months ago I had been experiencing shortage of breath every time I wake up from my sleep and it is accompanied with dry cough ( no mucus). It happens to me mostly in the morning and sometimes after an afternoon nap .. and sometimes it does nort happen to me daily.
I don't have mucus, however; I have been using Ventolin as it provides me with temporary relief.

Do you have any suggestions that might cause these symptoms?
and how serious are these symptoms?
2 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Since ventolin helps you, it is probably mild asthma.  Ventolin tends to only work for 4-6 hours and less if there is a lot of inflammation in your lungs.  

Defintely worth a doctor visit for full pulmonary tests and possible methacholine challenge to prove or disprove the asthma diagnosis.  

Since you do smoke it is also possible to have COPD or possible lung cancer so you need to stop smoking and get your butt to the docs.

Let us know how it goes and if you have any other questions.
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I agree.  The best thing you can do for yourself (and those around you) is stop smoking.  

It does sound like possible asthma, but that you may need a controler med of some sort now.  So, get to the doc soon and have this checked out.  
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