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why doesn't inhaler help

i was 3 months pregnant when i started to have breathing problems it was really bad i also had chest pains as well
than i decided to end the pregnancy because breathing was really bad since than i've in and out hospital
my gp prescribed me a blue inhaler which did'nt help than he changed it to a brown inhaler that did'nt help either than prescribed a pink one which i'am using now but i dont think it's working because there is still no difference i still have verybad chest pains and breathing problems it's beenn 5 months since i had this problem .i think i caught an sti i had this  problem for nearly 5 years i 've been tothe doctors few times the doctors says its a thrush and send me home with a canesten cream nothing helped do you think this might me causing it thank you
Best Answer
746512 tn?1388807580
Sometimes if you don't properly take the inhalers, they don't work as well, even if you think you are doing it right.  Use your inhaler in front of your doctor and ask him to improve your technique.  

Looking slighly upwards helped me greatly in getting more relief from the blue ventolin HFA inhaler.  

Most of the steroid inhalers (probably your brown one) need some time before they help at all, it took close to 2 months to get full relief when I started it, take it at the same time each day, even a couple hours off won't make it as effective.  

Hope that helps!
3 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
The color of the inhaler does not tell us what it is you are inhaling.
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920032 tn?1550680156
i like you have had my inhalers changed at least every six months, tried every one on market. 3 years later no further forward. nothing worked. now looking into adrenal problems and lack of cortisol. found small doses of prednisolone are really affective until root cause is found. check times of day when its better/worse
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