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sodium chloride solution (inhalation)

I have a question about normal saline for inhalation (as in a nebulizer). I was surprised today to find out that I needed a prescription for this!  Why is that?  Has it always been the case?
[my son's ped forgot to write a script for it when he wrote for the albuterol--I didn't say anything to him because I didn't know it was Rx only]
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144586 tn?1284666164
If you prepare your own saline for use in a nebulizer the essential thing is to insure sterility. Any bacteria in the fluid will be aerosolized and end up in the lung. Distilled sterile water would be the best choice.
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Where do you live?  Bronchosaline for as you described is no longerr available in the US.  I was told by a phamacist to make my own - 1/4 tsp salt (I use picling salt without iodine) and 8 oz of water.  If you use the metric system I don't know the conversions but could look them up and tell them to you if you would like.  I mix a fresh batch every time I am going ot use it.

Take care.
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