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swollen lip

why does my lip swell and go numb?

This discussion is related to Swelling & numbness in cheek near mouth moving daily from one area to another..
2 Responses
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Do you happen to eat alot of fruits n veggies? It could be GMO content "bred" into the stuff you eat...and the soy milk you use.
BTW ... alot of "organic" stuff is GMO seeds that are indeed raised organic.

Do you happen to smoke camel crush??
it has been known that the pure eucalyptus oil capsules used contain chemicals that, thus far cause long term lip damage. Including myself from my smoking days. It's been five years and my lip swells up like a balloon when eating foods that basic table salt has been added. Ie French fries.
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746512 tn?1388807580
swelling and numbness can also be a sign of allergies - I would keep a food diary and record when you get symptoms - this will help you determine if a certain food is causing you problems.

good luck!
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