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New Albuterol Inhalers - Terrible!!!

I have been using albuterol inhalers for 18 years now, since being diagnosed with asthma.  Since they changed the inhalers recently to no CFC's (yes, I care about the environment, but...) can they come up with a decent inhaler that doesn't clog up at the tip?  I have to take out the cannister of my Proventil and put it in the holder for another inhaler.  Makes me mad since I do not have insurance and it is a $54 inhaler.  I don't like ProAir either because for some reason, it increases the phlegm in my chst and I cough like crazy after using it.  It has some ingredient that actually exacerbates my asthma.  

Any suggestions??  Thanks so much!  Oh, and I also take Claritin, Symbicort, and sometimes Spiriva for control.
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651194 tn?1224034919
I agree. They still work for me but a part of me still misses my old white buddy, rather than this new blue imposter!
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  The new inhalers have prevented me from being able to work, where before, no one even realized I had a problem! I cannot talk without sounding like Linda Blair while possessed in the film The Exorcist! These were causing no damage to the ozone layer after being uptaken by the lungs.

Does anyone know of a nation that is not as dumb as the USA?  I am serious!  I gotta get outta here!
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I do not know the Answer but I have a question can you take Spiriva  and  albuterol together
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