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C -Reactive C Protein lab results.. please help decipher!!

CRP Quantitative protein blood draw done on 5/28/2010 3.2 mg/L  Value=(8.0)
C- Reactive Protein (CRP) Cardiac done 10/22/2010  6.1 Value = (1.0)

im confused. iwent straight to my cardiologist,, they  gave me a EKG, which was fine since the last one.. ( I have benign 2nd degree av block, as well as hashis, and a myriad of auto immune problems.  

they told me that  i did not have a heart attack.. b ut that there is alot of inflammation going on.

where??? I dont understand this.. i feel HORRIBLE.. yet my CBC shows no infection.. platelet count is normal.
everything is normal.
here is what I am feeling though..

hot.. all the time
intermittent jaw and ear pain.. sometimes going down one side of my throat
severe headaches.
heartburn ahoy. acid reflux

i am concerned about the high C reactiive protein.. even though my cardiologist says that its ok .. because its not a heart attack.. but the paper says that I am at high cardiovascular risk. my cholesterol is 170.. and my LDL can be improved.. by HDL can also be improved.

is this auto immune?? where do I go from here? i am so lost!!! Please help!!
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It's been along time since we've spoke. I hope your doing well. I had a major set back. All of the sudden my blood pressure went thru the roof 175/110 and my heart was racing. I felt really bad and I was sweating like crazy and just plain sick. So I went to my internal medicine Dr. and he put me on blood pressure medicine. I felt so much better in 48 Hrs. I could'nt believe it!!! I really like my new Rhuem. Dr. he' testing me for everything all over again. I just know he's gonna figure this out. It's the first time in so long that I felt like I was gonna get an answer. And it alway's helps to have a positive attitude.

Take Care of yourself,
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Hey there! , it's good to hear from you! I know most of what your saying. I don't think I'm as sick as you, but I also have been raising grandkids. One is 2, then 4 and the last is 9. My kids just don't get it that I'm to sick to watch them. I have alway's loved babies, but you have to be on your feet all the time! At least they don't live with me, but I have them from 8am until 7 or 8 pm. And the little one could be here until midnight most times!! So they might as well live with me. With all the doctor appts. I have to have one of them come and cover for me while I'm gone. Then make sure I'm home to get the oldest off the bus at my house. That alone where's me out! These kids now just don't get it! O.K. enough about that.
I went to the Rheum. Dr. He was very nice and was ready to tackle whatever it is thats wrong with me. He put me on predisone for a week and then to start tappering down. He said I should start feeling better with it, but I dont! I feel like I have the flu without the throwing up. Just ach all over. And I run a low grade fever about everyother day 100-101.
I go back to see him next week thurs. and I guess he's gonna run labs on me then and see where were at. We have a condo in Florida, and I've been thinking of going down there for about 10 days to 2 weeks alone. I've been on alot of pain meds. myself and would like to get off them, as I have been on them quite some time now and they don't seem to be working so well anymore. I know my body is addicted to them by now, but at the time it was take them so I could function during the day to keep up with what I had to do, and now I want to be off them, but I know I will be really sick going thru it and I don't want to do it here in front of everyone. I'm really sorry your daughter is going through all that.  I pray she can find her way. I never thought I would ever be in this position myself as a grandmother for gods sake!  So I'm gonna try and book this around my Dr. appts. Or maybe I should just check myself into a hotel locally. Money is the only problem. I could fly for free, but a room could cost alot more, but then I would be close to my Drs. I don't know how you do it. You must have some great people around you!!!  I haven't been on the site in awhile myself.  I've just been to sick to think, let alone sit down and write, but I will check in on you later. Please take care of yourself. You have been such a help to me!

Talk to you soon,
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I could not log in for some reason. My Sight is poor but not that bad!
I am happy for you and you do have something going on. I cannot help with snow, I live in Arizona and I have not seen snow for 15 years. I grew up North but flew south fast. My grandson is living with us, he is 21 months and I have very little time since he is at the terrible twos. My daughter has drug problems and is getting help, so he is here for awhile, I know why they say children are for the young, plus I have been going thru Chemo, as it is a form of treatment for my disease. (off-label) but it works. I go monthly, so I feel poorly rather like i have the flu. I do not know how to read your reply other than this way on here. I will watch better. YOU ARE SICK and do have a disease and they will find it, Keep on going do not stop now. I want to hear what it is, If they do not know somebody does NEVER give up.I have not and I have had a TIA, DVT and PE which none are good and I am alive and raising a baby and chemo at the same time. If I can do it you can go to the doctors and find the answers you need.That seems fair?
I would find you, but I am in AZ. I will check as I can but with this chemo it is hard, but I will still check anyways. I want to know. Hang in there you can do it. I am happy you might already know what it is...I will be checking.
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Wow! what a day this turned out to be. I had to go to have my Pulmonary fuctions test. I guess it went as well as it could have. My CT showed ground-glass opacification. I have air trapped in my upper lungs, and I can't get it out. Findings suggest possible upper airway disease such as asthma or chronic bronchitis or early obstructive lung disease. He wants to follow me, so I'm to see him again in six months. He feels this all is related to connective tissue disease, so he what me to have the new Rheumatologist contact him so he can be in the circle. I thought that was nice. I found out the results of my EEG, which was normal except I have extensive muscle tension artifact present. I have no idea what that means. Oh, and the lab that my Internal med. Dr. ran was Cyclic Citrullinated Pep IgG. Norm is 20 mine was a strong positive of 93H. He said this is a good start for the Rhum. Dr. to start with, he thinks I may have RA. I don't know about that but anyway I feel like I'm on some kind of road now. The Rhum. called me right away and I'm going to see him tomarrow if I can get out of my driveway. We have snow up to my arm pits!!!!
Hope to hear for you soon I really needed your push and I feel like I can keep trying!!
Thank-you so much,


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   I must be lucky in some way because I went to the new Internal medicene Dr. He ordered some more labs, called me in two days and said that he ran a different kind of RA test along with others that he didn't tell me about but that I was really bad and he called this Rheumatology Dr. that he knows, and that Dr. called me right away and i'm going to see him Feb.3rd. I'm so glad I've got someone that really believe's me and hope I can come up with some answers. I want to get a copy of the labs that he did so I can see what they were and how they fell within the nornmal range or not and then I can let you know what they were. I have always kept copies of all my lab reports and any tests I've had. I think it's really helpful, otherwise all you have is your memory of what the Dr's said to  you, and my memory is not very good. So pray for me. I feel like I have some hope for the first time in 4 years!!!!!
Thank-you so much for your support, It has really helped me to not give up, which is right where I was at.
Talk to you soon,
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Hurray, for you!
The answer is around the corner and then you will have a clear path to follow. I pray your life will be improved 100%.
Please make the appointment now with the new Rheumatologist, because some of the good doctors book out 4 to 6 months. So, in my experience it is good to get on board with him and see if you feel he is the right Doctor for you.
If we let things go it can cause damage they cannot fix, as i mention so often because that was my error.
I do not want someone having anything serious that one could have been avoided by seeing a Dr sooner.
The best thanks I ever can have in my life is when someone starts fighting for their health. You have given me a womderful gift by not giving up!
NOTE: Please take a family member to the first Rheumatologist appt., if you are married maybe your husband or someone in the family will go with you into the appt.. Two pairs of ears are good, but the best thing by having someone is they remember things we forget at the no
I am so happy they are doing more testing and heading you in a positive direction,..
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Hi, I made it to my appt. No thanks to the snow! we are having a really bad winter. This Dr. was the Internal Medicine guy. He was very nice and even made a comment that I had clothes on instead of my P.J.'s I guess I have seen him in the last 4 years. He's runinng more blood tests and sending me to a new Rheumatologist. We seem to have a shortage of those type of Drs. in Michigan. I have to call him and make a appt., but I'm having a chest CT monday morn. and Pulm. Dr. follow up on Feb. 1st. I will get in there as soon as I can. Thanks for the push I was just to close to giving up and now I think I can do it!!!:)

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I am happy to hear you made an appt. and that is good seeing someone that will notice the changes and an internal medicine Doctor is a good start. If you ask could it be a Vasculitis Disease he will know exactly what you are saying. There a many of them under that heading. Google Vasculitis Foundation and it will give one a long list. A lot of them under that heading, an analogy of another group is just like ALS is a Muscular Dystrophy Disease. There are several big umbrellas that diseases fall under and a lot of the Vasculitis Diseases are also considered Auto Immune one example of a mild disease is Graves, another disease under it is Diabetes, Charg Struss.(SP)  Wagoners, Phospholopid Syndrome, Behcets,Retinal Vasculitis all are under Vasculitis Diseases. I am basically giving you a broad spectrum for him to look at and consider by using that name by your symptoms. At least it is a place to start....one needs to have answers and i hope an pray you will.Take your blood tests that will really help.
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I can't thank-you enough for just talking with me. I have no one that understands how bad I really feel. I spent most the day yesterday going through the phonebook looking for another Dr. that would see me. I'm going to an internal med. Dr. tomarrow. I'm gonna take my labs in with me. I've seen him before several years ago so he knew me before I got sick so maybe I can get some help from him. I'm so wore out all the time it's hard to drag myself out of the house. And my kids have me as a built in babysitter now that I'm not working. I will try and let you know tomarrow night or Fri. what this Dr. has to say. I hate to sound dumb but what is Vasculitis? If I knew what it was I would run that by him.
Thanks again talk to you soon.

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I do not know what insurance you have but if you could go to John Hopkins (not close) it would be good. If you have a great hospital go there! You need answers. Where I live at the hospitals are overcrowded and only heart, stroke and trauma patients are admitted.
I wish you could travel to Mayo in Rochester and see Dr. Specks or John Hopkins and see Dr. Helman. You need answers soon. Check out the Vasculitis Foundations web-site for places close to you and see if they take your insurance. Alls it takes is ONE good doctor.
Keep posting as we all want you to have answers.
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Hi, and thanks for your reply. I have been very sick for along time. So far noone ha figured this out. I had a Rheumatologist who just told me to go to someone else, as he could not figure it out. But he called it Fibro. I live in Ann Arbor, MI. We have a university hosp. here but my ins. won't cover any of it. I've had to quit my job in Oct of 2009. Should I just go to the ER and show them my labs and see if they will admit me?
My PCP has been my doctor for many years and just opened up her own practice and she dosen't taken ins. either and is not afilliated with either of our local Hospitals. So she can't even admit me. But I have been in the hosp. 4 times since summer, and they never came up with anything either. I will look for a Immunologist. I have something going on with my lungs also so I'm going in for another CT next week and I'm to see the pulmonary Dr. on Feb. 1st and wait to show him my test results from my labs? I just don't know what to do anymore I've been to so many Drs. Rheum.,Pulmon., Infectious disease., Nurology, Spinal clinic,Bone & joint Drs.,Orthopedic Surg., Internal Medicine.,
Heart Dr., and Dermatology. also Oncoligist.{ forgive my spelling} Please let me know what I should do because I'm tired of being told I don't know go see someone else. It's been 4 yrs. now and all I get is you have fibro.

Thanks and hope to hear form you soon!!!!!
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I hate to rewrite the same thing I will look a little nuts! You are very ill and need to be treated right away, who ever did the tests hopefully started you on medicine to lower your inflammation and did a doppler ultrasound. With those makers you have something more than Fibro, see a different Dr.please. You should be in ER as you have signs of Thrombosis, but it appears to be a form of a Vasculitis Disease or even a few rare Rheumatoid or blood diseases. See a Rheumatologist/Immunologist (must have both). I do not know where you live but try to go to an University Specialist. Please go ASAP.
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Hi, I'm sicklady and I was reading your post with Mozartcowgirl, I read where you had a hs c-reactive protein that was high. I'm new to this and I have been sick for 4 yrs. now. My blood tests have been all over the place. My last test I had a sed rate of 99 and hs-creactive protein of 125.75. I hurt all over my body. My legs swell from knees down if I'm on my feet to long. My lower back also hurts really bad. I'm so tired it's all I can do to take a shower, then I'm pretty much done for the day. My hair is falling out. I've tested pos. ANA 5 times in the last year but they said I do not have Lupus. The Rheummy said I have Fibro. I just think there more to it than that. It hurts to have anyone touch my lower part of my body, like my skin hurts to the touch. I have no energy at all. I'm sensitive to light and noise. I sure would like to know whats really wrong with me.

Thanks for listening or should I say reading this, What do you think?
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I appreciate the information. I have just finished reading a good book on it by Dr. Yazici, it is available on Amazon. He and his father are experts on Behcets.
Ones ANA is normal in Behcets generally, it is hard to DX Behcets, as there is not any definitive markers other than the HLA testing and biopsies.The symptoms are pretty defined and one must meet the criteria.
It is so important to have the correct type of biopsys and the HLA should be complete and not just one antigen.(HLA testin should have at least all classes A,B,C,D, (120 of them approx. is a guess.
It is pretty obvious by the ulcers, I have had up to 60 at one time in my mouth  they are painful and can necoris (sp?) and ones tissue falls out.
It can go from being a mild form to severe with a lot of organ involvement. Which I have a severe case of Behcets and Neuro-Behcets, anti-phososholipid (LAC), mononeuritis complex and I think that is enough to start with. My cholesterol is at 812 and now it was down to 459, it is due to the inflammation. My platelets have also been high at times, (very high) but come down and it is part of the auto immune disorder.
The normal is abnormal in Behcets and to take one marker and try to determine what it is generally does not work, one must look at the whole picture to determine why there is elevation on different things happening.
A good Doctor that is well versed in your own disease is always key!
In Vasculitis diseases inflammation can cause a vareity of things to occur.
It helped me a lot to read on my disease, from reliable sources.(experts in the field)
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434278 tn?1324706225
The only info I have on Behcet's disease is it is a condition characterized by sores in the mouth and on the genitals and by inflammation in parts of the eye. In some people, the disease also results in inflammation of the joints, digestive tract, brain and spinal cord.  Elevated ANA is found in 100% of people w/ this disease.  

My knowledge on vasculitis is also limited.  It's inflammation of bood vessels.  Small arteris and capilaries under the skin can be deprived of oxygen because of the inflammation, abnormal dialating or blood clots can occur.  

Sorry I couldn't be of much help.
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434278 tn?1324706225
I must have overlooked that you had gotten a TB test or a TB vaccination (which one?)  I don't know what is involved w/ that.  But I thinkRosemona had some very good advice.

Praying for you, Kara
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My CRP (HS) was at 69.9 in May (no kidding)...that is high, it was considered high if it was  over 3. In my case, it was an auto immune disease/inflammatory disease flaring up. CRP is used as a marker for inflammation also, and a lot of labs use the high sensitivity (HS) due to accurency I was told. It is not used as often for heart problems, unless they are looking for heart problems or if one has a heart condition, in several auto immune diseases one can get inflammation around the heart or in the little joints in the chest and it feels like bad heart problems or even a heart attack and it is not.
I have Behcets (rare) and Neuro-Behcets which use to be not common diseases in the USA, but more in the Old Silk Road area. They are finding more people with it here. It is a Vasculitis Disease and this year with my flare up, I ended up with a DVT and PE related to my disease.
I am being treated for it with Chemo (same as cancer), as I have a severe case of it and some people only have a mild form of it.
I was wondering if anyone else has Behcets or any other Vasculitis Disease?

Do you have a Vasculitis disease? I found reading on my own disease processes helped a lot, as then I knew what markers to look for.
I truly understand your concern, as you have not been given an answer to why you feel like you do and what is exactly wrong. It seems like a medical professional should put the pieces of the puzzle together and determine what is going on with your health.
I suggest seeing an infectious disease doctor for a firm DX and go from there...once one knows what all they are dealing with one can get a treatment plan.
I highly suggest going to a good doctor, be persistent and it will be worth it in the end. In the USA some of the best doctors I have dealt with are from John Hopkins, NIH, Mayo in Minn, Scripps in CA, Cleveland Clinic, NYU has a Behcets Center (specific to my case) and these are all good places to find out what is going on.
There are some real good University Hospitals to depending where one lives. We are own own best advocate. I believe in fighting for my health, just keep on trying as it took me 5 years for them to figure out exactly what I had. I went to from west coast USA to east coast USA. I have peace concerning my health and no longer have the fear of the unknown.
I truly wish you the very best and anyone else who is trying to figure out what is going on with their health.
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Hey there Kara!! Yes... I did have the heart saver CT done.. my score is 0... which is awesome.. no calcium detected within my heart.. or the arteries of the heart....
now.. well.. i am still feeling soo tired.. i dont sleep at night anymore.. my sleeping medication does not work anymore.. but i do end up falling asleep at about 7 am.. none of this started until i had gottent the TB test.. i have a scar on my arm now from it.. and it was given in may. it was a  nightmare.. getting the result of 6 on my CRP is alarming.. i dont know what is causing it exactly.. my thyroid.. who knows.. i am in remission from the Ulcerative colitis.. bowel movements are great...lol.. but the arm pain .. the shoulder weakness and pain.. the whoel lymph area from where the TB test was given.. all the way to my left breast.. and the new finding of a cyst in my left breast. also.. left ear pain... and left sided facial pain.. its all on the left side. my allergist wont retest me or give me the go back towork ok until my levels are lower.. i dont know what to do anymore.. im so tired all the time now.. i get all over aches and pains off and on.. i am currently taking ginger.. that seems to help.. im just sick of being so tired all the time.. and the fact that it didnt start until about  8 days after i got the TB test... well.. i KNOW t hat was the beginning.. the allergist stated this as well.. I have taken slippery elm before..mymother was  a holistic healer.. boy.. i wish she was alive today.. how are you doing ??
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434278 tn?1324706225
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond.  I've been very busy and was scanning some old post to see if I missed anyone.  

I guess you've had the heart CT by now.  Did you find anything out?

I wished I could give you more hope.  I've got my own inflammation issues going on and don't know what to do.  I take an herb called slippery elm for irritable bowel.  But I know ulcerative colitis is a bigger and bader issue.  Sometimes I think I have something bigger than IBS.  It's  a daily issue and leaves me very drained.  So every morning I take a hand full of slippery elm.  If that don't work, I take immodium as a last resort.  But usually the slippery elm works to calm down the inflammation.  

God bless and I look forward to hearing from you,

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I just got back from my cardiologists office... she would like me to get a CT of my heart.. just to be on the safe side.. they are only 49.00 right now at the heart hospital.. so.. im doing that... she said the same thing... she just really drove home that the amount of inflammation in my body.. (Psoriasis, Hashi's. Ulcerative colitis and Proctitis, as well as the type of acid reflux I have.. that i need to get it all under control.. DUH.  lol..my total cholesterol hasnt changed since last year.. its at 176... my hdl and LDL are almost normal.. but can be improved.. the Hashimotos plays a LARGE roll in the inflammation process.. as well as the other ones i mentioned above.. so.. ughgh.
Im going to get the Heart CT.. and definatley do the garlic.. i already do... but will do more... what other things do you eat? for the last two weeks.. its been fresh raw foods.. no bread... no red meat.. coconut water.. and all types of beans. yuck.
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434278 tn?1324706225
From what I have read, the HS CRP test can not be a true reflection of heart involvement if there is other inflammation present, such as arthritis.  So they look at the total picture.  

To help your cholesterol, I would recommend you try garlic.  I take the coated odor free kind.  It has made my cholesterol be in the bragging area.  Total - 156 (under 200), triglycerids - 69 (under 150), HDL 52 (50 or greater), LDL - 90 (under 100).  

I don't know about your other symptoms.  Can hashimoto cause the heat sensitivity and the fatigue?  
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