865683 tn?1240947458


hallo, im a 35 yr old female  nurse.for the last 9 months i have had constant lower left back  pain and left crest hip pain,my left leg somedays feels hard to move and lift,and more effort is needed! my mobilety has become slow.and i limp somedays.the pain is constant.i have also been  feeling like i am walking  around drunk.the  gp has prescribed me cercs which are brill and  have worked! i had a lower spine and back mri and a brain mri and they came back normal.i had a isotope scan where hot spots showed up on the ankles  and shoulders,the doc said everything is normal.the docs i see are orthopods not back or spine docs..so i was given paimkilers and discharged!! they left me feeling as if i was makeing  it all up! i cry some days because the pain is  bad,i look for lifts when i go out now because the stairs are to much for me,..........i  payed for  physio and im glad i did,they where brill..the  guy i see  said that the hospital i went to where lazy and there are more more tests that i cud have.he thinks that i have a problem with a disc in my back maybe a split or  rip.that is affecting my nerves.he is writing to my gp to recommend that i get refer to a  specialist back hospital, he also said that disc problems dont always show up on mri scans? can anyone help or give me any advise, thank you for listening to me moaning
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Sounds like you have some mechanical defects that are generating alot of pain. Having overused my back for many yrs, athletics and work I understand entirely how you feel in constant pain all the time. I have schooled myself also on the structure of the spine to understand what generates pain.
CT scans, Mylogram, MRI, all are good diagnostic tools for the DR to use.
Have you tried epidurals? They always seem to help me in the past, even if i eventually needed surgery.
I am not a proponent of surgery, however I do know that everytime I broke something they fixed it and I went to pain free living. I just overdo it and hurt my back again.
Acupuncture, PT, anti imflammatories,all may bring some relief,
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You had surgery? What type and what for?  I have posted and really not gotten much response.  I was in a car accident approx 6 weeks ago.  Had no real pain at the time of the accident...however, 24 hours later was a different story.  Had x rays...showed a Pars fracture of the L4 and compromised disc space. Started limited PT. Couldn't take the pain. Then had an mri...showed bulging disc at L3/L4 and slight herniation at L4/L5. Major inflammation at L5/S1.  The L4 vertebrae has slid into the spinal cord at an odd angle (due to the and has made an abrasion. I am having horrible "dead leg" in my right leg and have fallen twice. I was put on 90% bed rest, fitted for a custom lumbar brace, told to continue PT (stretches only) and had a follow up today.  Todays mri was essentially unchanged..only minor increase in vertebrae movement.  Dr is extremely concerned about possible permanent nerve damage.  Neuro wants to inject L5/S1 with steriods and mentioned possibly injecting Syn-Visc under live xray?  Apparently this is something new?  It was strongly suggested that I use a cane when I am up and about.  Of course that is only supposed to be to shower and use the bathroom. I am scared!! I do not want someone poking needles into my spine. But I am tired of living with the pain.

What would u suggest at this point?  Boyfriend is fed up...as are my kids!
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I completely understand not being able to deal with the pain anymore and doctors not really helping out!  Always get a second opinion no matter what you are told.  I would definitely not go straight to surgery, but there are many things you could try first.  An MRI should show if you are having disc problems.  You could also ask about getting a CT scan which will show things differently.  The MRI's I have received didn't leave much questions to my problems.  I think once you see it you will be able to see what I mean.  They should scan several if not all your discs in an area, which helps you see the differences if there are any.  If the doctors you went to weren't very good, they may not have really looked through the MRI results.  Do some research online and get your gp to recommend you to a good back doctor/nuerosurgeon, but don't let them talk you into surgery until after you have tried physical therapy, injections, stretching, and acupuncture.  I had surgery 2 years ago and am in as much pain as I was in before surgery.  I am now doing acupuncture, which has amazingly actually decreased the pain.  I still don't go a moment without it, but it is much more manageable.  Always remember there is hope!  Good Luck!
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