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crackling noise in my neck/head area

Hello:  I am wondering if this is a very serious condition.  I have a rice crispy sound popping grinding like noise.  This is experienced when I turn my head from shoulder to shoulder or back and forth.  I get vertigo as well.  No headaches or pain, just a very weird sound coming from my neck or the back of my head.  Any clue?

Thank you,
133 Responses
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I have DDD Degenerate Disk Decease.  The crinding is worse after I sleep 5 to 6 hours.  Most nights I get up between 2 and 3 am and drink coffee sitting in the recliner.  About 30 to 60 minutes later the pain goes away.  I also have ringing in the ears.  I started Lipo Flavanoid on Feb 2 1013.  I suffer with chronic tension headaches since 2001.  I hate waking up in the middle of the night with the head pain and have to get out of bed.  The longer I stay, the worse the pain gets.  I am used to it now.  One thing, I don't want to die too old since I have to live with this pain until I die.  The only way to get rid of it is death.  It's not that I would hurt myself, I just would not make a good old woman being  bedridden.
I am so sorry that so many young people suffer with it.  Only people with the same pain know what we are going through.  I pray for all of you to find some kind of relief.
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I got that crunching noise and later was diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.  I also had vertigo for 18 months constantly.  Get tested and make sure they test for thyroid antibodies at the same time.
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Ask for a referral to pain management. Could be serious. I have the same.
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Arthritis perhaps. I have suffered from the rice crispy sound in my neck forever. Called my orthopedic dr, talked with his nurse to relay info...gave her description of problem... she immediately described to me what I was experiencing before I could tell her. Mri's will show if it is arthritis & anti inflammatory meds w/ not too many side effects do help. Painful affliction; I'm sorry. Take care.
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Hi Karen. I'm experiencing the sane thing. Did you manage to find out what it was? X
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For a 1 1/2 I have been on this site looking for answers - my primary complaint had been all over joint cracking like Rice Krispies, coupled with severe knee, neck pain, odd skin "stuff", vertigo and inward trembling & a minor episode of peripheral vision loss. I had a stressful situation put my body in a tailspin and what settled in 3 months later was the Rice Krispies sounds everywhere (wrists, ankles, knees, back, hips and neck), raynauds, numbness/tingling, heart palps, higher than normal blood pressure and benign fascinations. I have had an MRI of brain/neck, X-ray of knee and neck, lots of rheumatologic tests. I can't quickly turn my head while driving, crack all over pushing myself from bed in the morning and whince in pain on-and-off throughout the day - also headaches/fatigue. It has felt like my bodies GLUE isn't holding me together but connective tissue disease tests were negative. Exercise isn't possible at the moment. A year into my symptoms I had a brainstorm from this site I could have LYME and had a positive Elisa BUT negative western blot so I moved on, discouraged. After recently seeing an knowledgable orthopedist where we were considering EDS, he said don't give up on Lyme disease and its coinfections. I followed up with a LLMD, and have tested positive for Severe Lyme thru igenex labs. I am a young mom in the Bay Area and do not spend hardly any time outdoors hiking etc and never remember a tick bite. I personally believe this is an epidemic and I am furious I was scared and suffering all because of bad Lyme tests. My LLMD is doing research about Lyme being sexually transmitted, I only mention b/c my partner is from Lyme, CT so we will be testing him too. Treatment starts this December.
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Do you have breast implants??
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Ok. Hi. Ive experienced the noise in my head and sometimes it goes all the way to the ear? No pain or breaking bones or stiffness? I can say it is a sign of depression. I get that noise when I lack sleep or havent slept for days. Or having trouble sleeping. I went to a Psychiatrist and he gave me meds for depression. The noise went away. I stop taking meds when I relocate and the cracking noise came back. I don't think it has something to with spinal or bones, go see a Psychiatrist or Psychologist for this matter. Trust me on this one.
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Do you actually have depression? The  psychotic meds don't just work on depression. They work for many neural problems. This medication is used to help stop pain as well as many other things not just depression. I have the crackeling and noise from turning my head too and I've never had depression. I do have neuropathy as well as chronic pain in my hands and feet as well as Muscular Dystrophy. You would think, with all of my issues, I would get depressed at some point. Very fortunate to not have that issue, but to state that you might have depression because your doctor prescribed medicine that is normally used for depression is inaccurate. Many doctors can prescribe this medication, not just psychologist.
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I have exact same issue, and I experienced these symptoms thrice in a year, I have been observing this symptom closely.

This issue generally comes up, when I take acid reflux or acid neutralizer medicines like, Zantac, Nexium or Somac.

I will hear severe crackling sounds in my head and neck are specially at C0 - C3 areas.

These symptoms go away, if I stop these medicines for a month and recover myself with controlled food, with a lot of lactose free milk though.

I am pretty sure, I am loosing something with bones, specially when I take these medicines. After my thorough search for almost a year, I came to know, these medicines eat a lot of your calcium, mg, B12 and VitD levels over period.

At the moment my regime:

1. Switched to herbal medicines.
2. Continue eating controlled food for acid symptoms
3. Maintain good levels of Mag, Calc, VitD and Phosphorus.
4. Continue my study towards these issues.

Remember, the best doctor for any issue in yourself is you, not Doctor, al though we are in 2016, and many new solutions and technology advancements being done, these are still not available to public. Just because of pharmaceutical industry politics.

Please avoid, english medicines, these are just killing our body now a days, like a slow poison.

It works, it just works!
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Did you ever get the MRI on C0 to C2?
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Hi all, I too have crunching when I turn my neck, and a
rice krispie sound when I tilt my head to the left. I have had this for about 3 months now after a having pulled a muscle in my neck earlier in 2015. I have had an cervical MRI which doesn't cover the  C0 to C2. It covers C3 downwards and showed usual problems in the C5 C6 area. The noises like everybody on this forum is talking about is coming from base of skull at the back of neck C0 to C2 area. I believe everyone on this forum who has had an MRI scan has been scanned C3 downwards, and that's why no one can find a definitive answer to the crunching / crackling  noises.
I believe the problem is ligament laxity in the C0 to C2 area.
I am going to see a consultant to discuss whether a new scan in the C0 to C2 area will show ligament laxity. This will be done on a high resolution 3T MRI scanner and or a low resolution upright MRI scanner, where you can move your head to see if there is laxity in the ligaments.
I will let you know the outcome. Hopefully either of the scans should show something.
I have been looking into treatment options using PRP and stem cell therapy to treat the lax ligaments, joints etc.
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Hi Martin, did you got a chance for 3T MRI? what is the status and outcome, please let us know!
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Another possibility that some of you might want to consider is a systemic fungal infection. A popping sound in neck is apparently one of the major symptoms! Check out this link. http://www.bbwca.com/candida-fungal-infection/
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In general, it’s pretty easy to determine if your joint noise is normal. Periodic pops and snaps are likely gas bubbles bursting within the fluid of the joint, or tendons shifting position during movement and then snapping back into place. A crunching or grinding sound, however, may indicate cartilage damage, and you may want to have it checked out by a healthcare professional.

As a rule, any joint noises accompanied by pain, swelling, numbness or loss of stability are cause for concern. Noise without these symptoms is likely harmless and may just be the side effect of feel-good adjustments within the body.
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I would try and get another opinion. Have you saw a a chiropractor? I would also try fish oil capsules and Vitamin D. I went to Walmart and bought a small tens unit for 30 dollars, I can lift my shoulder when I'm wearing it. Put the unit on your neck, back, arms, legs, it works great for me ,give it a try,plus bones love heat and stimulation.
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The Cure is Tai Chi. Good Luck.
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Yes to all.i saw this on Dr Oz. I just got it when I got my new phone n I pad.sitting w wrong posture or standing w wrong posture .im going to read up n stretch n practice good posture . Shoulders back.
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Yes, me too and sometimes I have to poop along with it.  Triangle poops.
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In addition to the post of sunee of apr 29th 2013, I think she is right. I have been diagnosed with a worn out disc too and my symptoms have progressed since then. After a chiropractical correction i only had pain when retracting my head. Then came arm pain then tingling sensations. Chiro said it is probably an osteophyte, but I have never believed that.

In many cases it is a sign of cartilage degeneration called crepetus. In it itself it is annoying sound but not dangerous.

I have been a stomach sleeper from young age and have had forward head posture for years, which has straightened my cervical spine. It wore out my discs, and that causes your muscles to tighten to give support to the neck structure. That can lead to reffered pain, In my case a nerve that is being severely compressed. Sadly many people with degenerated discs go for surgery bbut in many cases it does not diminish the pain symptoms since the discs didn't cause the pain. Surgery often only works with spinal and nerve compression due to a herniated disc.

I visited a triggerpoint therapist and as I expected i have some big triggerpoints in my pectoral muscle, my serratus, my infraspinatus and trapezius. I am massaging them now and the pain is centering more in my arm, I just need to find the triggerpoint that causes that pain. My pain in the neck is now gone.

Lastly, when you get degenerated disc disease (it is not a disease though, stop what causes is and the degeneration diminishes), the cause is often forward head posture. In that case you can bet that your deep cervical flexors have become to weak and your neck extensors have become too tight. You have to strenghten them, that often helps relieving pain and.

They also say that degenerated cartilage can not be rebuild. I dont believe that, but you need to create the perfect conditions  for the body to have a fighting chance to start repairs. This means perfectly lenghtened muscles, perfect diet (high fat low carb, moderate protein, no processed foods etc), no triggerpoints, necessary supplements, lots of pure filtered water and the right training regimen and stretching.

Very difficult, but i am going to see if i can get there.

Everyone good luck with this annoying symptom
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"THIS WILL HELP YOU"!!  My neck was popping all the time. The rice crispy sound everyone is talking about.  It was getting worse.  I really thought I would have to go to the doctor or a chiropractor.  I realized that I was looking down at my laptop computer a lot more than usual.  Plus, I texted on my phone while looking down.  I thought maybe looking down all the time was contributing to the popping of my neck.  I decided to set my laptop at an angle when working on it where I would not be looking down.  Also, when texting I raised my phone so that I wouldn't be looking down.  I know you might think this is crazy....but slowly but steadily my neck popped less and less.  Now, my neck NEVER pops.  It has been about 2 months since I remember it popping at all.  It might take a little bit of time, but keep at it.  Try not to look down but keep your head level when looking at your computer or phone.  Hope this helps!
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A lot of it has to do with your posture. Leaning too forward when using the computer or tablet causes your spine to bend and discs become uneven in thickness -- thinner on the front end and bulgy thick on the back end where it can press on your spinal cord. This causes pain and a muscular system that goes haywire (spasm), and muscle guarding to protect the cord (stiffneck) -The formula for degenerative disease.

Moving and turning that bent spine on uneven discs with unequally toned muscles will be pretty rough on the edges. Ahh, that cracking and grinding sound that feels good for a moment as the buldge momentarily unpinch the nerve, and then back again.

Watch your posture. Get your spine straight and those discs leveled. Stretch and exercise to build a balanced muscle strength that will hold that spine straight. Get a Chiro to mobilize and decompress that spine and do the recommended exercises for the muscles to relearn the renewed range of motion. Otherwise, they will revert back to the position where they have built their strength -- that forward bent posture even without the LED screen.
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I have had the crackling in and off for years. I have had a lot of neck trauma in my life which I'm sure is a big contributor. I also get a lot of pain and stiffness in my neck, but found a good chiropractor that has helped. Had a c-spine MRI a few months back and early signs of osteoarthritis were found (no surprise to this former football player) My neck problems are annoying, but not a sign of anything serious. Lots of heat packs, analgesic gel, massage, chiropractor, and a good quality pillow.
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Ive been getting it more often.i have early degenerative arthritis in my cervical spine but never heard a crackling. I noticed its from not sleeping on a proper pillow, try one that form fits around your head. I noticed when I used it the crackling stopped.
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I am 43 years old now and when I was 21 years old I was in a very bad car accident and had a broken neck. I broke cervical 4 5 & 6 and ever since I have heard the same crackling, grinding, crunching pooping sounds and it terrifies me.  I always think my neck is going to break again.  I was walking with a broken neck for at least 5 days and I was unaware of it. I was so scared I did not even want to google the question as to whether or not this happens to other people but now that I have I'm a little more at ease feeling as if this is something a lot of people have I have gone to the chiropractor I have gotten xrays and they sayid my neck is normal. I hope this is true, I get very scared whenever I hear the noise I don't even want to move my neck back and forth sometimes.
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I have crispy sounds in the back of the head when I move my head sometimes, it actually help me because my sight vision is sometimes blurry, I suspect it's because of short-sightnedess. I'm 28, and I'm short sighted, I have dioptre -10 on the left eye, (-2.25 on the right) and I believe that's the main reason of these symphtoms. Are the majority of you who experience these sympthoms actually very shortsighted? If you are and have possible solution, please, answer me on my e-mail, (please just join the letters) the mail is: v l a d a 2 2 3 @ h o t m a i l  . c o m
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I have crispy sounds in the back of the head when I move my head sometimes, it actually help me because my sight vision is sometimes blurry, I suspect it's because of short-sightnedess. I'm 28, and I'm short sighted, I have dioptre -10 on the left eye, (-2.25 on the right) and I believe that's the main reason of these symphtoms. Are the majority of you who experience these sympthoms actually very shortsighted? If you are and have possible solution, please, answer me on my e-mail, (please just join the letters) the mail is: v l a d a 2 3 3 @ h o t m a i l  . c o m
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I have crispy sounds in the back of the head when I move my head sometimes, it actually help me because my sight vision is sometimes blurry, I suspect it's because of short-sightnedess. I'm 28, and I'm short sighted, I have dioptre -10 on the left eye, (-2.25 on the right) and I believe that's the main reason of these symphtoms. Are the majority of you who experience these sympthoms actually very shortsighted? If you are and have possible solution, please, answer me on my e-mail, it's ***@**** THANK YOU!
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