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1632656 tn?1310693271

possible Cushing's

I need someone's opinion,, please. Ok,, I had to take a Dex test because my Cortisol level was high,, 26.4 in a fasting state at 8AM . I suppressed super low I guess at barely 1.5. So the Endo I know is going to say I dont have Cushing's , even though my Primary thinks I do. So ,, what does this mean to have an abnormal suppression response,, the fact that it went extra low?? Im so confused.
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Timing of testing is critical for these tests - it really matters - so she does not know her stuff.

She was probably reading the levels for normal cortisol. When you get the test the lab does not know you had dex so the ranges are still for AM cortisol - so for that, you are, gee, really low - but for the test - you almost made it - again, showing, she has no idea how to administer the test.

Find another doctor.
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The dex test does give a lot of false negatives so that is very true - finally!

I have never heard of testing though like *the second day of the period* etc.  so that is new to me... unless she is doing FH and LSH and wants to track that as well?

Pituitary source is the most common (after taking steroids to cause it) and yeah the MRI can be ok so unless you had a wonderful dynamic one of a 3T, ah, not sure... but she is not sure so it looks like you will only get one or two sets of tests.

Lap band! Heard that one a lot though.
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1632656 tn?1310693271
Ok,,, So,,, appointment went well,,, she obviously said Im overweight and asked me If I had thought about lapband lol I said yeah if you can get medical to pay for it sure lol,,,,, then she went on to say she didnt think deep down I had Cushings but I do have alot of the characteristics and she was honest saying that most Endos hate Cushings cause its a long difficult rode to pinpoint where it is,,,, jeez I had no idea ( sarcasm) lol,, she said we will do all the testing we need to and she doesnt like the dex test says it gives false negatives ,, we knew that .... she is having me do the 24 hour cortisol urine collection ans on the 2nd day of my next period she wants the acth and a bunch other tests done,,, she says she doesnt think I would have pituitary cause my prolactin is fine but I am not so sure of that as my symptoms point more to that than adrenal but who knows....what is your thought on that one??? at least she is trying though lol well hey I found out Im fat again lmao!!!!
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Good... yeah, it is important to try to stave of the weight (I so remember the wave) but not to encourage more damage!
Keep working at other doctors, test with the GP or do whatever you can! It is such a freaking battle! Horrible.
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1632656 tn?1310693271
I heard that too,, not to excercise to hard,, keep it to low impact walks n stuff ,, a Friend of mine who is in Nursing school told me that one and shes just a student lol seems you n she know more than that endo lol yeah they said my Cortisol was high,, that 19 was theyre cut off,,, leaving me 8 points higher than theyre max normal range,,, I say,, well duh,, look at this thing on my back and these stretchmarks and spider veins that are starting,, not to mention this new spare tire and rounder face lol,, maybe God himself needs to send em a letter maybe than they will come to a conclusion lol Ill let ya know how wed goes ,, cross your fingers :)
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Then the endo is not skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of Cushing's - that exercise can destroy your muscles as you tend not to recover.

That seems to be a high cortisol - not sure what your lab's range is though!

I had to follow a low carb diet to help me not gain like crazy too. Be prudent on the exercise.

Hope the next doctor is better!
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1632656 tn?1310693271
Yeah I heard that Estrogen does indeed cause slightly elevated readings,,, I was told that since Im on a low dose pill It shouldnt interfere though,,, I hate the whole this Doc says one thing and another Doc another thing lol dont they read the same research findings?? lol guess golf is more important ;) ..... It is so much easier to blame it on the weight ya know,,, tell your friend I feel her pain,,, I keep getting told by my primary she feels I have it and Endos just want me to consume 1300 calories and work out for 2 hours a day lol on to the next test lol I have a question??? ..... would it be wrong to keep taking my pill for the slightly elevated possibility so they will fix me faster??? for some reason you have to have every symptom for them to take you seriously,,,,,my Cortisol was 127 at 8 am in fasting,, how high is that really??? this stupid hump needs to go away allready lol my spine is perfectly straight under it and Im heavy at 200 but not morbid yet,, I think they want me heavier ,,, ; sigh;.....luckily I am at a slow down with my weight gain,, it does this ,,,  7 pond weight gain a week for a while then a few pound lost then up again lol its my fat yo yo,,, If I dont follow atkins and excersise( which kills me)) I gain like gangbusters,,, I know you heard this story before lol,,, so pill or no pill??? I had all these symptoms 8 years before I started this pill so I know its not that lol I see my endo on wednesday,, sooooo we shall see how competent this one is ;) cross your fingers fer me lol  hope your doin ok my friend,, your in my thoughts
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