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My Cat Too Depressed To Eat

I have a 6 1/2 year old female kitty named Bella. I decided to foster a mother cat and her kittens about a month ago. I noticed the mother cat being very territorial towards Bella a few weeks ago, so Bella started sleeping on higher surfaces such as my desk and even atop a high bookshelf all the while looking frightened and neglected. The mother cat attacked Bella (aggressively chased her) a few times about a week ago at which time I told the rescue group I could no longer foster the cats. On Sunday, after I noticed Bella's appetite diminishing as well, the cats were relocated to another foster home. I thought Bella would revive but today is Wednesday and she still hasn't eaten. I even tried to syringe feed her baby food but she also started vomiting yellow bile on Tuesday evening at which point I took her to the emergency room. Her vitals were stable, blood work ok (they said it was ok but her ALT was 141 on a scale of 12-130 - they said this was insignificant), and she was ever so slightly dehydrated. They gave her anti nausea meds, fluids, and antacid. When she refused to eat Tuesday, I took her to a regular vet at which point they gave her a b12 shot, more anti nausea meds, and more fluids. They said she was in good condition. How is that possible if she hasn't eaten. She also hasn't peed in several day although they said her bladder is full. I feel she has sunk into a deep depression which has killed her appetite and now she is slipping hepatic lipadosis (fatty liver?) They said if she doesn't eat by Thursday, she would have to go to the hospital aaand get tube fed plus more tests. I neglected my little cat by caring for the fosters kittens because they had diarreah and ringworm which was exhausting. However I saw Bella become depressed and withdrawn but took action a week too late. Please pay attention to those small signs so you don't end up where I am! Can anyone help me? I have ONE day to get her to eat AND keep it down. I know she is so nauseous. I don't want her to suffer through the hospital and tube feeding. ANY and all suggestions are appreciated. I have had her since she was ONE day old and her life has been very sheltered. I should have realized how emotionally fragile she was.
53 Responses
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506791 tn?1439842983
Such a sweet ending to a somewhat bitter lesson, rock on Bella!
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7052683 tn?1392938795

I love Happy Endings!

This has been a good week for those.
Now I am doing a "Bella" HAPPY DANCE!

Luv to both,
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874521 tn?1424116797
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hey!!!  What fantastic news!!  And Aww, I love Bella's charming ways.  She is definitely back to her sweet self.  

I'm so happy to read this update.  Thank you for keeping up with them even though you must of been so exhausted and the last thing you wanted to do was sit at the computer.  Your experience WILL help others, without a doubt.  I am adding it to my Watch List for future reference.  

Best of luck in the food transition.  Wellness is a good one.  If Bella should reject it, there are Many other grain free foods offered these days.    

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I just want to update everyone on this HAPPY ending story. I am in the process of weaning Bella off her meds, but she seems to be doing great! She is completely off the Reglan (anti-nausea) for almost a week, we are on every other day for the steroid, Medrol (anti-inflammatory), and once she is off the steroid, they will start weaning her off the mirtazapine. Her tube hole is healing up well. But...best of all...she is eating great! She eats 2-3 cans of Fancy Feast per day, plus a little dry, and some treats. Once she is completely off her meds and still doing well, I am going to transition her off of the kitty crack (AKA Fancy Feast), onto something more healthy like Wellness. Her special little behaviors are slowly coming back, like drinking water out of the bathroom faucet, sitting on the bathtub rim while I shower and, my favorite, doing a little happy dance in the bed when she wakes up in the morning. I can't thank everyone enough for all of your prayers, advice, support, and encouragement. This experience was mind bending and a harsh reminder to pay closer attention to my kitties, especially behaviors such a withdrawal, listlessness, and lack of appetite and to take IMMEDIATE action to avoid the drastic measures financially, emotionally, and physically that had to happen to save her life. I hope this can help other people avoid what we had to go through. Thank you, all, and may God bless you!
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7052683 tn?1392938795
Hi Bella,

Happy to hear that feeding tube is out .Bella probably knew it was about time to lose the tube.

Frankly, I am not sure, but I believe when a feeding tube is placed in the throat --they make one incision to put it directly into the esophageal opening. Not Sure. Ask your Vet to be sure. I think Bella just has to eat normally and she will not have any pain.

Love to you both
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7052683 tn?1392938795
Hi Bella,

Happy to hear that feeding tube is out .Bella probably knew it was about time to lose the tube.

Frankly, I am not sure, but I believe when a feeding tube is placed in the throat --they make one incision to put it directly into the esophageal opening. Not Sure. Ask your Vet to be sure. I think Bella just has to eat normally and she will not have any pain.

Love to you both
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Thank you, opus88. Do you know how long it takes for the hole to heal in her esophagus?
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874521 tn?1424116797
heres an excellent youtube video on how to pill a cat(like the second one) I got one of those pill plungers frm my Vet when I first had to learn to pill...it gets the pill nice and far back down the throat, but now I never need to use one..just be quick and insert it far back in the throat with your fingers...
I've never used the syringe of water afterwards but in Bella's case with her tender esophagus it maybe a good idea...you can get these from your Vet clinic as well...good luck

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874521 tn?1424116797
Good for Bella, she is doing awesome

Keep her on the wet food!!!!! Much better for her for 100's of reasons..not just now but ongoing too

No don't crush meds and put in her food, NO...that would be a sure fire way of putting her OFF her food all over again.

Talk to her Vet, many meds can be dissolved in a tiny amount of water than given with a dropper, but some taste so terrible that they could ruin her appetite...so check first wth yr Vet. Are you not able to pill her???
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Ok, so she was really wanting her fancy feast so we pureed it in the blender. Can she eat dry food or will that irritate the hole in her esophagus? The meds she is on are Medrol, Mirtazapine, and Reglan. Has anyone had any luck crushing these and putting them in her food? Thank you!!! and, yes, she is feeling more spunky and I am loving it! I am still holding my breath though...
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506791 tn?1439842983
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Ok...wow! Never a dull moment over here. Bella had been eating really well for about 3 to 4 days on her own, and I kept fantasizing about when the doctor would agree to start weaning her off all of these meds that she's on and also fantasizing about the feeding tube coming out when lo and behold today she pulled out her feeding tube! We took her to the emergency room where they cleaned the area check, bandaged it, the basically said they don't reinsert feeding tubes. I guess she must have ripped the stitches out as well because there was a little bit of blood!:-(  Anyway, I'm thinking she may not need the feeding tube reinserted and she immediately started eating when we came home. Of course I'm going to call her regular doctor tomorrow and see what they want to do, but I'm thinking maybe the feeding tube it's I need to go back in. My main concern right now is trying to understand, although I've googled and googled, how does the esophagus heal back up from that tube being in it for 2 weeks? We are putting some soft claws on her today so she doesn't scratch the bandage. Also, I am limiting her food to the liquid food we were using in her tube for the next 24 hours in order to not irritate her esophagus. Crazy fun times! Also, I won't have the convenience of the tube in order to dispense her medications multiple times a day so I'm going to have to figure out that one. From what I understand all of the meds that she's on she must be weaned off slowly they can't be stopped cold turkey.
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7052683 tn?1392938795
Well DUH! DUH!....I hate when that happens. My mind sometimes goes faster than the writing

Pet Supermarket--it is a little cheaper there.
If you find it, let me know how Jade likes it---I think you will be surprised. It really is like people food!

Good Luck
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242912 tn?1660619837
I hope Bella was able to eat a bit more today.  3/4 of a can is pretty darn good considering what she's been through.  

Listen, I picked up on the Reglan.  I was put on that when I was hospitalized with ulcers.  I couldn't tolerate it.  It has a lot of potential side effects just fyi.  You should google.  It 'could' be the cause the the vomiting although Bella wasn't straining.  And the mild inflammation is likely due to Bella's vomiting.  It's very good no ulcers were found.  

I hope Bella had a good day today!! :)  
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi CML...the Weruva...you said:

"I get it at a holistic pet store, but have also found it at Pet, if they are in your area."

"Pet" what?  Did you not finish the store name, or is that actually the name of a store in FL.  I am interested in trying this grain free food for Jade.  

Thanks honey!

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7052683 tn?1392938795
LOL! Looks like human doctors as well as veterinary docs can be very intimidating...like we are taking up their very valuable time.

Might I remind them WE are Paying them, they WILL listen without being dismissive. You take ALL the time you need and if they get squirrely , tell them exactly that. ......and maybe they should stop OVER booking !

Sorry ...don't get me started, I could go on for days with the things I have seen and Heard from "Vets"

The food I KNOW your little Bella will love is called WERUVA. People here get tired of me singing it's praises, but it is so yummy and in plenty of juice so it is easy for them to slurp it. I am sure if you presented Bella with a little sample of this she would lap it up. Try it!  PetCo does not carry it . I get it at a Holistic pet story, but have also found it at Pet , if they are in your area.

I think Bella will come around with the eating. I think it just takes time to keep reg food down. Her stomach and intestines have to become accustomed to solid foods. I also would say dry food would be Very irritating.

From what you have told us about her tests, everything seems a temporary issue. You did GOOD MOM!!!!

Give our little Bella a big Smooch from her new friends  Me and Meezy!


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but she unfortunately goes for her Kirkland brand dry food and the treats, which are both dry. I bought her fresh chicken thighs which I'm going to cook for her tomorrow. it is very very very challenging to get her to eat on her own. today she had three quarters of a can of Fancy Feast and that's it:-(  I guess this is just a super slow process? Her face is getting gaunt and I can see an indentation underneath her eyes. I am increasing her tube feedings every day but I just had to go slowly to make sure the vomiting was under control. she's like a little feather when she climbs into my lap. I'm not sure what the doctor meant by mild inflammation in her intestines... is that a GI disease or not? I guess I will ask her on Monday although she is very business like and I feel like I have a limit to the questions I can ask before she starts to get annoyed.
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Thank you!I put coconut oil on her paws, which she licked off, then I put the lactulose on her treats, one drop on each, and on some canned food she ate.  Anyway, she had a lovely poo today, unfortunately although no straiing was involved she vomited up about a tablespoon or two of liquid. so far this week she has vomited each time she's had a bowel movement. It was due to the excessive straining, I guess...but she didn't strain today and still vomited. Confusing! I basically stalked her with the med until she got enough! I do have three other cats that she  doesn't mind. She was just so frightened of the mom cat because the mom cat was so mean to her! Bella is on three different kinds of medication: Reglan, Medrol, and micoprozanole. Is that good? She has her follow up on Monday so I am writing a list of questions to ask. I do offer her a buffet of "tempting" food such as tuna, Fancy Feast, chicken and turkey baby food
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242912 tn?1660619837
Whew, big sigh of relief with the tests!  And how great is Opus with all that info!?  

Keeping you and Bella close in thought, and looking forward to the next update.  

HUGS to you~  
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506791 tn?1439842983
Yay Bella!

Yay Bella's Mom!
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7052683 tn?1392938795

That is the BEST News, BELLA IS BAAAAAACK!!!!

God Bless you for taking such good care of her. I bet you can finally sleep at night. That is so funny that she checked every inch of the house for "Invaders". Guess Mom has found out the hard way Bella is a one women cat.

All the Best to you and YOUR Bella
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874521 tn?1424116797
another thing you could try is UNSALTED BUTTER....not margarine, has to be unsalted butter....put a bit of this on your finger, most cats love the taste and it also helps lube them up a bit...:)) just a dab.
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874521 tn?1424116797
doing a good job there momma!! they are sure our babies aren't they, esp when ill our mother instincts kick into over drive:)

great news abt the tests results too!!!

she is doing great, so glad to hear she is trying to eat more and more on her own...I am hoping the Vet will soon take the e-tube out and make it easier for her.

first of all, will she eat wet canned food? wet food has 78% moisture where dry only has 12%...so it soooo much better for them, and esp. much better for their bowels. can you try that? try different brands to tempt her..this will help alot with the constipation issues.

yes lactulose will work, or should...its not a laxative its a stool softner, I used it for a long time for my Opus, he's been gone awhile and I forget just how much...I am thinking it was 2mls 2x a day...but go by how much your Vet tells you to be safe. but I will add something the Vets don't tell you..and thats to mix a bit of water with it as well...works better. if you are giving 2mls than put 1ml of water with it. Lactulose is very thick and sticky and sweet...most cats will not eat it on their own, it has to be given by dropper..so you will have to give it very carefully for Bella...just slowly and do so on the side of her mouth near the back molars...NOT from the front of her mouth, dont' want to see her chocking on this!!...like I said do it SLOWLY so she has time to take a good swallow after every small squirt into her mouth...

its good shes at least having small movements so shows theres no blockage...the lactulose may not work the first day...

something else you can ask about is Miralax...I need to use this on my Nemo occasionally...don't like to use it all the time b/c of the chemicals but he has severe constipation due to a stricture in his bowel....lactulose doesn't work for him.
My Vet was the one that suggested Miralax and he said 1/4 teas. disolved in a small amount of water and again give via dropper.

so there are some suggestions you can try over the next day or two...before resorting to an enema.
I would really try to get her to eat some wet canned food as well, that alone may make a huge difference for her

good luck and keep us posted:)

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