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997898 tn?1303734864

just finished my last one...

cigarette, that is.  going to really try and kick it this time folks.  wish me luck!!!
23 Responses
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980510 tn?1282010946
thanks carolyn...Ive smoked for 26 yrs, tried many times to quit but never made it passed the 2 mth mark so while iam doing well once i get over that hump i think i will have won the fight...

I mean i know its a daily struggle for awhile  but once over that hump i will feel a bit more confident... quit but never could do it and always felt guilty for not being a success...ANYWAY through all the times i quit i didnt quit for the right reasons..i quit because someone else wanted me too and until I wanted to Quit FOR ME it wasnt going to happen or i wouldnt be successful,

this time I wanted to quit for me tired of the smell the money, and well with my health issues smoking is one thing i dont need to be doing at this time(or ever again) ..Like you smoking while isnt completely frowned on it is becomming more limited...this time I just decided it was time and i have also figured out what i spent on a wkly basis for them and every pay check i take that amt of money and put it away-- in a few mths i will have enough money to either do something for myself or for my family and that will then be my reward!  not to mention the reward of a better sence of smell and taste..LOL...

but anyway i am totally looking at this in a new way and feel because this time i am doing it for ME i will have much more success...
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1179332 tn?1297478990
HI guys..

Lisa...I was just going to say be careful with that drug...and then I realized that you already had a problem with it!! I tried a few when I quit smoking and they all reacted really bad with me.
My DH however, has now quit twice with Zyban but I don't think it is as dangerous for him b/c he doesn't have the issues like we do.

For myself, what ultimately made me quit was my kids. Each pregnancy I would quit and then eventually go back. Though I would always be scaled back from the time b4. Finally at the 3rd pregnancy I knew that if I didn't stay quit after him...that I never would quit. So I just made up my mind...and haven't changed it. Where I live too...smoking is not looked kindly upon..you can't smoke basically in any public place so I would always feel very guilty. Plus, I never smoked around my kids, in fact, they never even knew I smoked at all...so it was getting more difficult to hide it from then (making me feel even more guilty!) My best piece of advice...when you crave it have something to distract you for a few minutes (hopefully not food!) and you will be amazed on how quickly you get over that craving. Gum (just normal gum) works great for that b/c it gives your mouth something to do. Also, find a different way to relax when you get tense and do that when you have the urge to calm yourself by smoking. For me, when I got wound up tight I would pour a warm bath and read a book. Of course, that isn't always possible...but maybe even a stress ball or some deep breathing exercises?

Anyways...I really want to congratulate everyone who is trying to quit right now...it is an extremely tough thing to do!!! I can tell you though, to get out from that addiction which basically ran my life was the BEST thing I ever did!!

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980510 tn?1282010946
thanks selma
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi Lisa...good for u !!!

Keep on going....whoooooooohoooo

I have seen a bit on the banana and smoking, but not sure if it has been proved a valid method or if it is all theory.
The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

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980510 tn?1282010946
How is it going fellow Non smokers (newly quit smokers)? I havent been around lately i know and I am sorry for that.....but i think its week 3 for me and i am doing AWESOME...i did find out that i am allergic to the chantix (shouldnt have surprised me tho i am allergic to Zyban as well) anyway iam just taking one day at a time...thats all you can do and if you mess up dont think Oh well i messed up I might as well continue smoking....

i keep a log and when something gets too me that i feel i want a smoke i write it down- and by the time i get the frustration out the need has passed i am a big time car smoker and after meals so i ve changed my habbits...after meals i do dishes right away or some sort of cleaning or craft, as for when i am driving i been keeping both hands on the wheel or chewing on a straw i also keep a few packs of mints and gum in the van at all times!....i'm PSYCHED its working and i feel MUCH better-

oh i also heard that if you eat a banana everyday it can help us easy the side effect of not smoking anymore- Iam not sure it works but thats what ive been told...Im not a regluar banana eater (because my 10 yr old thinks he has to have one everyday (if we have them) so i usually dont get one) but i thought i would put this out there and either someone can say Yes its true or No its bogus... but anyway here is a link to a page i found that explains how your diet can help you quit smoking  http://funchit.com/showthread.php?tid=19
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1059090 tn?1254466801

im scared to quit, its the only thing that i feel i do for me, well that sounded dumb, it controlls me, i just thought of that, i use that i feel bad an excuse to keep smoking,
god i feel stupid now, while im typing, yes i need to pick a quit day, and do it,
if feel so dumb realising what ive been doing lol

hey thanks
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620923 tn?1452915648
Join Lizzy !!!..I am sure the members here can offer u support top help u quit.

.I hope Lizzy u have inspired other chiarians to quit and can use this thread as a support to do it : )

So proud of u Lizzy !!!
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1059090 tn?1254466801
its been a few days how are you going?

ive been wanting to quit for so long, but unsure how,
it makes me feel stronger about it knowing that your doing it

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997898 tn?1303734864
thru an entire day with a smoke~!!!  on to day two!
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1274661 tn?1301868321
We are all here supporting you. You can do it! Best of luck!
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997898 tn?1303734864
so far, the only tool i have used has been my radiology report from the cat scan.  good luck lisa!!  ray...i think you just have to be ready to do.  i've planned dates in the past...did no good.  for me anyway.  don't know that i will succeed this time, but i certainly have strong motivation!!
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620923 tn?1452915648
Good for u Lisa !!!

I pray u r successful !

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980510 tn?1282010946
im right there with ya...are you doing it flat out or do you have pills,patches,gums?

ive tried the Zyban and patches and i cant get passed the taste of the gum,losengers so Now I am taking chantix so far it seems to be working...

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620923 tn?1452915648
Well at least u r on the road to starting very good : )
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999891 tn?1407276076
Honestly, I cant say. I have spoken with my GP and they suggested set a date, they will give me patches and any other support I may need.

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620923 tn?1452915648
Lizzy...not trying to guilt u into stopping, but hey if that works.....lol...

our interest is ur Health....we <3 u and want u as healthy as possible and the same for ur brother....consider this thread ur support group : )

soooooo ray, when r u stopping : )

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997898 tn?1303734864
thanks everyone!  when i want one....like right now, all i have to do is read all your comments....the guilt makes the craving go right away!  lol!  
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979826 tn?1389036358
LOL I ment ull do great I no u will!
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999891 tn?1407276076
Hi Elizabeth, I am proud of you my friend well done. remember the cravings do pass just take it one minute at a time.
I will be joining you very soon as it is catching up with me.

have we a support community here for ppl quitting?

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847512 tn?1272567062
Congratulations u can do it just be strong! I did it in october cold turkey, if I can do it u can do it!
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Avatar universal
That is great! Congratulations on this huge step forward in your life! I know you can do it you are one strong person!
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979826 tn?1389036358
u dnt need luck! U r strong elizabeth! U can do it I no u can! U r an unbelievable person who can do anythin u put ur mind to. I'll do great I no u will!
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620923 tn?1452915648


I pray u r able to kick this.....
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