980510 tn?1282010946

from one thing to another-Update

Since i had my surgery on Oct5, I came home and seemed to be doing well and suddenly i reached a standstill of recovery. I ended up with what was said to be thrush the slimy nasty awful tasted in my mouth which prevented me from eating, drinking, taking meds, caused me headache etc..... leading me to the Urgent care of my doctors office- getting a bag of fluids, some meds for the thrush, nausea meds- I was sent home, then friday morning i had a headache nausea and all those fun things going on, went to the emergency room and was treated again with some morphine, fluids and released,  at 3 am saturday morning, my husband rushed me to the hospital, I had a bad bad headache and i was crying to make it stop- husband knew he couldnt help me anymore and i had to go something was seriously wrong. So in the ER once again, This time they decide to do a CT scan, which is when they found that I had fluid on the brain and needed to have an emergency shunt surgery before i died, went through that surgery and was sent to ICU i woke up in ICU at about 5 am Sunday morning Not knowing where i was why i was there, I had to wait for my husband to come in and explain everything to me. ....

So this road of recovery just got a whole lot longer and a lot more complicated.... now i am doing OK i still have a problem with thrush and experience problems taking the meds.
Currently it is unknown as to WHY i had fluid on brain, and for now i just take
One day at a time!
10 Responses
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980510 tn?1282010946
thank you, life gives us no more then we can handle.... is what ive always been told. so i go along the path with this knowledge. Each day is a day to heal, lets face them with a smile.....

Although i have to admit- now knowing the 4 days i dont remember, i have it is very easy i could have not lived through this event, although i feel blessed- i always thought i had angels on my shoulders. in so many ways I am greatful for the life i have been given and blessed for the wonderful man who has made it into my life, we always knew the keeper of the stars had a hand in us two getting together- just proves me right- not to mention my 9 yr old son who has been through the gauntlet of things this last mth, I am amazed and I am blessed to have them both- I feel so honored.

Tina i wish you all the best and please let me know how things go for you- you have my email address maybe your hubby can fire off an email to me...Keep In Touch....

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I really hope that the rest of your recovery goes better.  You always seem to be so upbeat about it all.  I've appreciated all of the help and info that you've given me.

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980510 tn?1282010946
thank you all for the well wishes, things finally seem a little better today, My husband took our son to school, i went with and had his stop at the post office before coming home- on the way home i had to make him pull over so i could vomit,  after i vomited i felt a little better we're starting to wonder, if its not the oxy causing me some of the problems Id been having- the vomiting is a bit more undercontrol and the slimy mouth thing I hope is coming to an end.... I was given Nistatin swish and swallow which was just the most awful thing ever!...which worked when i could keep it down, but man i tell ya i get home and it causes me to instantly vomit...Other things ive noticed is  I have this small cough which hurts the top of my head~ probably likely being they just ummm ripped me open  LOL...but i also have this pulling pain like in my belly button and down there.. kinda weird... just wish that weird pain would leave, on an antibiotic for that area already tho'
`again thanks for the well wishes take care all~Lisa
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371999 tn?1250017941
you are one tough cookie!!! hang in there--think of the long run--you'll be out of this mess and feeling great! even though it may not seem like it right now.  
wishing you all the best!!
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I am so sorry that your road to recovery has been so rough! That must have been a very frightening time for you and for your husband. You are struggling, but those that have strong support at home -- people who can think clearly in a crisis -- are truly blessed! I pray that your guardian angels (and that hubby of yours) continue to watch over you and help you to a speedy recovery!

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620923 tn?1452915648
Oh sorry Posterior Fossa Decompression= chiari surgery
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980510 tn?1282010946
thank you all for the well wishes,
selma- what is PFD?
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi...I am not sure if the drs can explain it, but it can be a side effect of the PFD.It is not something that happens very commonly, but can and does.

I pray ur shunt will continue to work well for u and u have no other set backs.

So sorry u r going thru so much.

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1079987 tn?1258040916
OMG...I am so sorry to hear you have had to go through so much. I can't imagine since I have never had the surgery but I feel so bad for you. I hope that will be the last of your problems and that you will finally be on the road to recovery. I wil be praying for you.

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997898 tn?1303734864
oh wow!  i'm so sorry to hear of the problems you have had in your recovery!  i hope they have found the source of the problem and you will not have to endure anymore pain.  not having been where you are, i find it somewhat difficult in knowing just what to say.  when you had the original decompression, did they drain the fluid from your brain?  it is my understanding they put a small tube in during the surgery for just that purpose and take it out a few days later. perhaps it had something to do with that?  hopefully some of the others that have been thru it will have something better to offer...
once again, i'm so sorry you are suffering this way.  i will add you to my prayers.
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