620923 tn?1452915648


"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down".....so lets rant all day Monday- each Monday a different topic-we will poll for next weeks.....so this week lets do a favorite of mine.....doctors!!

post ur rant and get it out of ur system and enjoy the rest of the week!!
16 Responses
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680984 tn?1241641032
You know - the words to that song fit us so well, don't they?

"Talkin' to myself and feelin old
Sometimes I'd like to quit -
Nothin ever seems to fit.
Hangin around, nothin to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

What I've got they used to call the blues
Nothin is really wrong
Feeling like I don't belong
Walkin around, some kind of lonely clown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

Funny but I always seem to wind up here with you
Nice to know somebody loves me.
Funny but its the only thing to do
Run and find the one who loves me.

What I feel has come and gone before
No need to talk it out
We know what it's all about
Hangin around, nothin to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

Funny but its the only thing to do
Run and find the one who loves me.

What I feel has come and gone before
No need to talk it out
We know what it's all about
Hangin around, nothin to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

Hangin around, nothin to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get ....
me down."

Doesn't that just describe us?  Except I think it should be painy days and Mondays....
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680984 tn?1241641032
Sorry - I'll start my rant in the AM.....
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620923 tn?1452915648
Joy- this made me smile ear to ear...thanks for understanding where I was going...lol....

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620923 tn?1452915648
lets rant on how we get the brush off from our drs.......

I had 2 NS brush me off....the first one did not recognize I had chiari- I was sent there because I had been dx with it-when I questioned him he said" u don't hace chiari and don't let neone touch u for it"


come on I know u all have stories like this one.......
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680984 tn?1241641032
I totally understand what Selma is talking about!  She doesn't need a hobby - she needed a dr would listen to what she was telling him or her. This is a good old fashion rant.  We all need it sometimes - especially with this lovely little disorder.

I have seen 4 neurologists, two headache specialists, one pain specialist and a partridge in a pear tree.  Do you know that not one of these doctors placed a hand on me?  No one, except an ER doc,which was for something totally different, has actually touched my neck or head.  I have a spot on the right side of my lower skull that swells everyday when my headaches start - about the size of a golf ball and hard as a rock.  When I rub it it feels like Norman Bates is driving the Physco knife through my right temple and into my eye ball - I swear I hear the music - you know, you can hear it too.  Any hoo, I try to make my appts. for the afternoon so that I know my lump will be there, and it is, but not one of them has touched it.  I have even asked them to do so, but no, none have felt that it has any bearings on my headaches.

The only thing each one has had in common is that they have all tried to take me off my pain meds immediately.  That causes me to freak out, since this is the only thing keeping me able to function like a somewhat normal human being.

I just go back to my reg doc (who is wonderful, I might add) and he just says - don't worry about it.  We aren't going to mess with a good thing.  He has really been my savior through everything.  He doesn't just blow me off.  He listens to me, writes down every symptom and although he has been confused he has been trying for years to help me.  When I came to him with possible Chiari, he said "Good for you for being so proactive in your own heathcare.", and was happy to refer me to the NS I am going to see.

Now I am off to see another wizard, a NS this time who is a Chiari spec.  Maybe if I click my heels together three times and say "There's no one like Dr. X" all of my wishes will finally come true.

Okay - so there is my rant.  I know I mixed my euphamisms a bit, but what can I say?  I have a brain disorder!
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620923 tn?1452915648
Thanks...I knew u understood me...I wish we had more rants....not that I want to trash drs...there r  some very good ones out there, but lets face it.....we all have had a couple that frustrated us....that is what this thread is for...letting it go.....holding it in can only cause u more stress....we all want to feel better.....I hope a few more rant.....

next week we'll vote on our MONDAY RANT topic.....
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555358 tn?1292532061
I'm ranting about a physical therapist - not exactly a doctor, but I think close enough.

I went to physical therapy about my balance/dizziness issues - Fall Prevention they called it. Ok, to be honest I think it helped some and the PT was nice enough, but one thing she said really aggrivated me.

I was telling her about sleeping problems I've been having - for several years - and her advice was; I need to get on a regular sleep schedule.

Thanks, I wish I'd have thought of that! If I'm sleepy; sleep! Brilliant!

Okay, that's all I'm gonna rant tonight. :)

Hope everyone has a great week!
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I'm going to chime in now. When I started to get my headaches and dizzy spells I told my doctor when I turn my head to the left or bend over I get headaches and real dizzy. His response was "Well don't bend over or turn your head that way"      That helped alot!!!!! so much for that $176.00
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620923 tn?1452915648
Shane and Lori.....

I can identify with both of u....sory but I gotta ...lol.....

Shane....get to bed at regular times...OMG.....really.....

Lori-that's like the old joke about the spoon in the coffee.....lol....

Thanks for sharing.
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620923 tn?1452915648
...I meant Lorraine....
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I like lori better
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620923 tn?1452915648
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Maybe a topic for next mondays rant.. How the pain takes over our lives...
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620923 tn?1452915648
I will post that as a suggestion....thanks.
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Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner how about posting funny thngs we are thankful for.. Today I'm thankful for water... my pills got stuck in my throat
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680984 tn?1241641032
OMG!  That has to be a joke!  Doctor it hurts when I turn my head this way. Then don't turn your that way!  LOL!!!  Can you believe that a doctor actually said this to a patient??  If it weren't so sad it would be hilarious!

And Shane - really - why didn't you think of going to sleep on a better schedule??  Maybe because you were sleep deprived? Hmmm....

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