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Ear rubbing

I had the same symptoms as the child posted in the thread.  I am 36 and it is as strong a habit as when I was 5.  Can you explain this strange habit and how it might have derived?

This discussion is related to Ear Rubbing.
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I am so shocked that I am not the only one that rubs my ear.

I’ve had this habit since I was a baby my mom told me the earliest memory she has of me rubbing my ear was when I was at least 4-5 months old and that I’d go straight to holding my ear when I’d be breast feed or bottle feed and ever since grew up pulling, rubbing, and pinching it.

I’m 28 now and still have this habit stronger than ever. It only annoys my sister when we’d see eachother.
But it’s involuntary, I have also rubbed and pintched my ear for comfort or when I’d feel anxious for so long I have nearly lost all feeling in my soft lobe. I have to look in the mirror while putting on my earrings so I can see the hole instead of accidentally and unknowingly pierce another hole haha.

No one ever notices this habit because I try to keep myself contained but when I’d drive, clean, cook or whatever when I’m alone I pull on my ear relentlessly.
My most favorite is when my ear lobe is wet or cold. LOVE IT. Give me so much comfort.

Has anybody else experience these same exact  circumstances ?
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Not with this specifically, no.  But know these habits are ingrained and are like our sleeping positions. They start when we are tiny and become our comfort zone.  I have my own idiosyncratic quirk.  I guess if you start to suffer psychical issues from it like lack of feeling in the spot and it is bothering you in some way, you address it but otherwise, it sounds like this has become your coping mechanism and gives you peace and comfort, so go for it.  :>)  We do what we have to do to get through life and this is harmless.
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i rub my cold ears with my hands i do not know why i have been like that since i was 1 years old
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My son is 11 now and he has rubbed ears since he was a baby.  I even catch him rubbing his friends ears sometimes when he is not thinking about it.  LOL!  They are just used to it now.  It started when  he was a baby and I would give him his bottle.  He would rub our ears as we were feeding him.  Thought he would grow out of it by about 3, but nope, still doing it.
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I do this too! It's been a habit of mine since I was born; I'm only 16 now, but the urge definitely will not go away anytime soon. Knowing that there are others like me is quite a relief. We're normal!!!
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I've been rubbing my ear since I was in my moms stomach and sucking my thumb. Although I had to stop sucking my thumb when I was 11 because I got braces. I still grab my ear. I grab my family members ears to. Something about sucking my thumb and grabbing my ears just calm me down. I feel as if a weight is lifted off my shoulders and I feel safe. I'm 15 years old an I will forever grab my ear. It's okay if you do it. There's nothing to be ashamed about. For people who do it they understand that it's really really calming it's like your little safe place
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I've always felt different because of my habit and I've just found this post and I'm not worried any longer. I love rubbing cold eyes, it's just very pleasant. I'm 18 this year and my family tells me that I act like a child cause they think only children do things like these.
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I'm not sure, but to my assumption, it has to do with relieving stress. I've been rubbing my right ear lobe for as long as I can remember. I do it when I am stressed and need a release to relax. I also do it when I'm cold or when I'm studying or taking a test to help me think. I know that some masseuses use it in some of their practices as well.
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Me too my family always makes fun of me for it and they yell at me when I do it to them
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17047182 tn?1453276374
I'M 36 and now and then get tempted to grab an earloab lol..done it as a baby and uncles and aunties would ask mum and dad why I done it lol ...it's not a big deal and children grow oit of it and it comes from being held as a baby as it's just something to grab and comforts babys ..adults who do this have known to be caring types of people who love to be around people
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I'm 36. This is by far the most addictive self soothing habbit. I have been doing it since I came out the womb. I don't intend to stop. It clears My mind and frees my brain from the turmoil in this world. My only son is 5. I watched him carefully as he grew and he does the same thing. He loves my ear lobes when his becomes warm, he goes for mine...lol and because I know what it does to him, I allow him enjoy the meditation...lol.
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I am 24 and have been playing with my ears since I was a baby. I love rubbing my own ears or my girlfriend's ears whenever she's around. The cartilage in my ears has been worn away over the years. Cold ears are by far the best! I also play with my cats ears when they are around. I've always thought that I was the only one that gets a calming sensation from rubbing ears!
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15900835 tn?1443820353
I love this post!  Rubbing earlobes is the most enjoyable thing!  I've always done this and when I don't have a child or bf to do it to, my cat always allows me hahahahaha.
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Feel loved!  My husband puts up with it but doesn't really like me rubbing his ears.  I have done the same thing as a child and still do it at 40 yrs old.  I loved when my kids were babies and I could rub their soft little ears.  Now they like it though and will actually ask me to do it,,,oh what have I done to those poor little guys.
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i do the same damn thing. I love cold ears. i used to suck my thumb too! but stopped when I was 12.
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I'm 33 year old wife and mother of 6 and I love to rub cold ears! I have done this for as long as I can remember. I have never met anyone else who does it. When I was a child, I would rub a cold ear and sick my thumb. I didn't care if it was my ear, or someone else's, as long as it's COLD! I love the feeling of a soft cold ear still to this day, I ditched the thumb at 11.
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yeah I am 37 and love soft cold ears whether its mine or others.  It cannot be warm or hot it has to be cold and soft.  Its so soothing for me.  
13162049 tn?1428798610
I did a search on this because I have a student in my class that does this ALL DAY LONG! and it drives me crazy!!! I'm constantly telling him to stop. He doesn't rub his ear lobe...he folds his ear in or just flicks them back and forth...as long as he's touching them he's fine. I guess I won't get onto him anymore, since I see that it's a (somewhat) common fettish. Oh well.....  :)
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13162049 tn?1428798610
I did a search on this because I have a student in my class that does this ALL DAY LONG! and it drives me crazy!!! I'm constantly telling him to stop. He doesn't rub his ear lobe...he folds his ear in or just flicks them back and forth...as long as he's touching them he's fine. I guess I won't get onto him anymore, since I see that it's a (somewhat) common fettish. Oh well.....  :)
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Not gonna lie, I do the same thing. I've been doing it since childhood too. And it seems to be a affectionate thing that I only do to certain people. It used to be my grandfather. But now it's my little brother and girlfriend. Weird right? I play with my chin alot too, for some reason it clears my mind
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Not gonna lie, I do the same thing. I've been doing it since childhood too. And it seems to be a affectionate thing that I only do to certain people. It used to be my grandfather. But now it's my little brother and girlfriend. Weird right? I play with my chin alot too, for some reason it clears my mind
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it's so wonderful to know you guys exist! :D
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omg yeeeesssss.. i started doing this as a kid, i wouldn't drink my bottle unless i got to play with my mum's ear and i still randomly do it.
for me the point is to play with the ear until it's warm, so it should be cold to start with and once it's warm then i don't want it anymore :p
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haha ! thats interesting. I was searching through internet if i have some problem or a disorder. However, i don't want to think about it now and just keep on enjoying rubbing my ears. Its comfy :)
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My little girl loves to rub my ear lobes,and my son rubs my elbows...  im not sure if i should let them, but it comforts them a lot... Im trying to find out if theres any meaning why my kids sometimes rub my ear lobes or elbows for comfort. I love my kids so i dont mind it, but i dont want them to develop any bad habits or something.
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My 51 year old engineer husband touches the ears of me and our children. It started when he was 3 or 4 and saw another boy touching ears in the doctor's waiting room. Our younger son (17) also touches ears, he says it's for comfort, but also sometimes "clicks" them LOL When he was young it could be uncomfortable to maneuver my head to a place where he could reach my ears and inconvenient at times but most of the time I take it as a sign of affection.
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I am so shocked that their are ear rubbers out there too ! I used to suck my thumb and play with my dads ears all the time I quit sucking my thumb but still rub ears only my boyfriends and sons ears. I have always wondered about this qwerk .
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