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my son has gone backwards

my son is nearly 4 and was fully potty trained but just latley he has reversed he will just wee and poo anywhere and everywhere he has done it over the floor on the sofa my house is starting to smell as he wee smells very strong he has been to the doctors in case of a water infection but none was found he can be sitting right next to the potty but still does it on the floor he is just as bad at nursery as well always having to be changed help
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he is telling you that he is feeling insecure, stressed and unshure. Let him use the pullups for a while. Have there been any big changes recently ? A birth, death, is he due to start school?, have you recently moved house?, is he being bullied or abused ? all these things can trigger a regreshion. This is very normal in young children after a traumatic even.
and what some of the things young children perceve as traumatic are things we take for granted.

If there has been a new birth recently ask him if he wants to be a baby again, as this is most likely the cause, ley him use the pull ups insted of diapers, and treat him like a toddler, but make shure he understands that the baby needs more attention then he does, most likley trating him like a 2 year old will be more then enough attention for him, he will soon get sick of poopy pullups, espeshaly if you increase the amount of time you spend with him, and teach him to change his own pullups.

As an Adult baby i hate the thought of any child growing up to be an infantilist, but it gives me a unique perspective, the perspective of a child, i understand how young children think, sometimes (and this has happend in the past and i screamd and cried cause got so scared) i get scared of my own shadow,espeshaly in the dark. (Just like a toddler)

If there has been a recent death then it is probably a coping mechinesim and the regreshion is a way to feel happy again, in his mind he his going back to a time when the decessed was still alive and he was not potty traind, in this case it is purly psycho symatic.
teaching him more about death and how to cope with it will resolve the issue. Another good thing to do in this situation is to take him on lots of outings, and to lots of places he whent to with the decessed.

If there has been a recent move, then the cause is the same as above but the treatment is diffrent, in this case you need to try and engage him in lots of childrens activites, getting him to go to play groups, and jumbo gyms is a good idea, keep going with the pullups what ever the cause as it will help avoid poop on the sofa, in the vcr or microwave.

A 4 year old who wants to hide their poop will hide it any were and in anything, that includes the fridge.

If the cause is bullying then the awnser is simple, you need find out who is doing the bullying and put a stop to it.

If the cause if Abuse then most likely this will take a long time to resolve. The regreshion is not only a coping mechnisim but a safty stratigy. in his eyes being a baby was a happy time and a time when he has no reponsability and no bad memories, all he had to do was play and every one would look after him. I know that because abuse was a significant contributing factor for me growing up to become an adult baby.

If your child has been abouse stick with pullups, teach him to change himself, but allow time to baby him a bit as this is a purley psychological need. Make an appointmeant for him to see a pediatric psychologist who spechilises in child abuse. The regreshion may go on for a few months it may include whining, crying, temper tantrums, bedwetting, soiling, thumb sucking, day wetting, loss of appitite, messy eating, a change the kind of cartoons tv viewd, change in the kind of toys played with, night mares, falling out of bed, clinginess, vomiting , the runs, panic attacks, and many more. Most of the physical symptoms that apply to adult abuse apply to child abuse, aditional symptoms of child abuse are Regreshion, Post traumatic Stress Disorder, Selective Mutisim Conduct Disorder and rarly Infantilism (though this is more of a lifestyle then a disorder)

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973741 tn?1342342773
I agree with the pull ups.  Why go through the mess of this and have your house ruined.

I also agree that something is upsetting him.  Little kids can get distracted and wait too long to go but as he does it right by the toilet, he's choosing to not go.

My 6  year old started first grade this year.  It is his first all day experience and he takes school seriously.  He reverted back to wetting his bed at night for 5 nights in a row the second month of school and had one accident during the day.  Very unlike him.  He was stressed and adjusting to his 'new life'.  After that long week of accidents, nothing else has happened.  

I just tell you that because sometimes emotions can be linked to bathroom issues and sometimes it isn't hugely dramatic like something horrible has happened but even a change can bring it on.

good luck
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535822 tn?1443976780
Check out he is happy at nursery and there are no issues upsetting him, is he happy to get there ?
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134578 tn?1716963197
In the meantime, put him into pullups so nobody has to deal with messes on the floor and around the house.

I would say he is very stressed about something.  Has anyone possibly hurt him in some way?
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535822 tn?1443976780
Have there been any changes in his life recently, anything that would upset him ,children often digress when they are upset,Maybe you will have to watch for the signs he wants to go and take him into the bathroom..
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