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Best place for severe eczema and food allergies

Hi, Im on my second ped immunoloy specialist and he is at the end of his rope now with ideas to help my 4 yo son.  Where would  the best place be to take my son with severe eczema and food allergies?  He is on prednisone and atarax now with minimal improvement.  I live in Southern Cal, but willing to go wherever I can get the best help.  He has a rash all over his body and bleeding wounds all over both hands and feet for three months straight now.  This is the second bout of prednisone in a month.  Already failed antibiotics and antifungals.  Please help.
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Hi Ericantu

I saw your post and I checked that you were using mannatech products. Has it worked for you?

Thank you

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It's great to find this site and to hear other parents who are struggling with kids with eczema.  My son has had eczema since two months, tested highly positive to dog dander and dust mites.  Our life has been a living you know what.  Anyway, oatmeal bath with olive oil and vitamin E capsules opened up into the bath helps him alot.  Then I immediately moisturize with a mixture of vanicream and aquafor; seems to be the only thing that doesn't burn him.  I too have become frustrated with the steroid ointments because they do not stop the flare ups from coming back.  So now I am going to try eating healthy, natural foods to see if this helps.  Dermatologist wants me to try the clorax bath, but I think that might be too abbraisive for his skin.  Good luck everyone, keep trying to beat this.
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My son has had eczema since he turned an year. He is constantly scrathing and making his skin raw.I have seen some improvement over the last two months. I have taken him off all five of his medicines and he no longer has hives. He would always have hives and could not figure out why? The medication. Wow pretty bad if you ask me. I have decided to take the natural approach recommened by Herman who has his own health food store in Texas. It is working. I see results but he is still not completely healed it may take a little longer. I also have been using mannatech products here w/in the last week. It was recommened by Georgie Holbrook. Please check out her story on you tube. She suffered from psoriasis for years but is now 100% free from the disease. I have tied Naet. I saw some results but it was very expensive. I have tried everything under the sun.. Im still gonna try until by Son is completely healed. God has given me the strenght to deal deal with his issues.
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Same deal with my daughter. Rounds of all of the above since taking her off breast milk as an infant. She's 3 1/2 now. We're still dealing with severe breakouts, just not as often -- found NAET to be helping. I'm a believer in integrated medicine (Western & Eastern). NAET is along the lines of accupressure. Check into it, the "AE" stands for allergy elimination. Good luck & if someone finds a cure, please post it!!!
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i have found that a mixture of aquaphor and hydrocortisone cream 2x a day helps! i have an allergy baby that is allergic to EVERYTHING and between that, singulair at night, zyrtec in the morning and the ointment 2x a day AND clorox bath each night with NO soap. plus an eliminative diet from everything that he is allergic to. ALSO, just because it is not listed on the ingredients list, doesn't mean there isn't anything in it. FDA doens't require ingredients that are less than 2% quantitative within the ingredients. all organic and whole is the way to go if you have food allergies!!!
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I am glad i found this website. My son has eczema too , he had it since he was 2 months old and it is mainly due to dairy allergy. He is now 15 months old. The pediatrician just says that he will outgrow it and dairy allergies are genrally not anphylactic. My question is, how do we know when a baby is anaphylactic?So far he breaks into hives and throws up when we give him direct cow's milk/cheese/yoghurt, i have tried very small quantities on him and my fear is that if he can get hives/ vomitting with such a small quantity, will he have respiratory distress if the quantity is incerased? Or if someone is anaphylactic, the quantity does not matter, even a small dose causes a severe reaction?
We just use aquaphor on him, give him benadryl whenever there is severe itching, i use 1% hydrocortisone on and off. I eat a completely organic diet and i am still nursing him
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