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son coughing while eating

My  7 yr old  son coughing while eating anything solid food.he is having this problem for the last 10 months. no cough with liquids or soft food. the doctors say they cant find anything abnormal, including ENT.they said it could be allergy.sometimes he coughs while sleeping also. and gets cold and cough every 2 months specially when he goes to school. im worried about the cough while eating. is it allergy or gastric acid reflux? how to diagnose gastrid acid reflux disease?thanks.
5 Responses
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1801781 tn?1461629469
I am leaning towards reflux.  This gives some good info.  Often children who have reflux tend to get ear infections and even bacterial pneumonia.  There are other indicators, but it is a start.  This site gives a pretty good description and how they can diagnose.  I hope the doctors can help you.  Being a good advocate for our children is often hard, but so important!!!

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1801781 tn?1461629469

oops forgot to paste!!
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803938 tn?1403748253
It makes me think of reflux problems as well. Ask your pediatrician to try a medication that reduces acid secretions such as Prevacid.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Hi, this is way after the fact but I just had an interesting conversation with our occupational therapist.  My son has a developmental delay and we have eating issues.  He gags while eating and she was clarifying if it was coughing during eating or gagging/choking on the food.  She told me that they do a barium (spelling) for the upper gi and watch a child chew and swallow.  Some kids actually have small bits of food go into their wind pipe which makes them cough when eating solid food.  My boy does and always has had weak oral motor skills but he gags and doesn't cough.  

Anyway, I just thought I'd mention it as more 'food' for thought.  
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my son has had this problem for 13 years.  We have had these studies all over the world and still do not have an answer of what it could be.  If you firgure this out please share.  This has baffled a lot of doctors world wide.
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