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Does emphysema progress on its own?

Am I to understand that emphysema is a disease that will progress on its own, no matter what you do? I have quit smoking, but it worries me that the emphysema will get worse and there is nothing that will cure it. I do not want to live a life in which you have to struggle to breathe at the end stage. 8 months ago, I was diagnosed with what the doc said was a touch of emphysema, and he also said that it may get better over time if I stop smoking. I am not sure exactly what he meant, but I know emphysema is not reversable. I just wonder like everyone else first diagnosed with emphysema, and that is "How long do I have to live?" I have a wife that seems to think that it is not serious and she smokes. After a few months of being persistant, I managed to get her to only smoke in 2 rooms of the house. Don't anyone even try to tell me to play king kong to her about it, cause it is not easy to convince a smoker to not smoke in their own home. I used to be a smoker, so I know. I just hope that I will have a good many years left. I am 51 now, hope to make it at least 20 more or better.
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I am Alexes Hayden, i purchased chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD/Emphysema) herbal remedy from a herbal health clinic in South Africa (NewLife Herbal clinic), it really helped me. I was diagnosed of COPD in Elisabeth-bruyère Hospital Ottawa Canada in August 2014. In June 2016, I had COPD exacerbation, my condition worsened and the doctors could not help me, the Flovent HFA and antibiotics prescribed stopped working, it was a terrible experience i had, so my wife reached out for an alternative treatment. My wife's co-worker who had initially bought pulmonary fibrosis herbal remedy from New Life herbal clinic referred us to them for help. We contacted them via their website and purchased the COPD herbal remedy, i immediately commenced usage as soon as i received it, it worked miraculously, my airways are repaired. Visit www(dot)newlifeherbalclinic(dot)weebly(dot)com or email newlifeherbalclinic(at)gmail(dot)com

(Please write email/website in right format)
I did promised i will post my experience as many forums as possible if i am cured
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I'm Patrick allison by name, I'm here to share my testimony about Dr Ojomo herbal medicine Cure , he has the cure to different kinds of diseases, he cured me and my husband of COPD and Parkinson's disease,me and my husband was diagnosed of COPD and Parkinson's 2013,we live in pain for years ,so desperate for cure. one day i was glancing through different website I saw different testimonies about Dr Ojomo,so many people saying he cured them of different diseases,i was so surprised and skeptical,but i have so option because me and my husband need the cure desperately ,so i contacted him via his email. ***@****, he replied and Needed some Information about me and my husband, then I sent them to him,then he sent me the herbal medicine through FEDEX Courier Service,The courier service called me after 2days that i must be at home because they will be delivering that day ,which i did ,when i received the herbal medicine ,we call Dr Ojomo then he told us how to use the herbal medicine ,he said we will be totally cured after 2 weeks of usage which we believed with faith.so after 2 weeks of usage they was a lot of changes in our life's ,so we went for check-up, I was tested COPD FREE and my husband was fully recovered from Parkinson's,it was like a miracle to my family ,please viewer my testimony is real ,any negative news you see online or hear about Dr Ojomo is false ,he is a real herbal doctor online ,so many fake herbal doctor are trying to spoil his name,please viewer don't mind them ,Dr Ojomo will never let you down ,he is a great man. please contact him now on. ***@****
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This treatment sounds wonderful... however it can't cure COPD. I am not here to kill hope, but the nature of COPD makes it incurable. Not untreatable, but unfortunately incurable.
  COPD is caused by damage to lung tissue. Lung structures once damaged do not regenerate, the way your skin can heal from a cut. Emphysema ( the most prevalent type of COPD) is caused by the destruction of the walls of the alveoli ( air sacs) in your lungs. The cells in the alveolar walls do not regenerate. The same as heart tissue after a heart attack does not regenerate, so it is when lung tissue dies. The alveolar walls are full of tiny blood vessels that take in oxygen, and let out Carbon Dioxide. One of the reasons it gets harder to breathe with COPD, at least with Emphysema is because some of the tissue that used to perform gas exchange is no longer there.
That being the case, COPD is treatable, and someone with it can usually live a fairly normal life. You can train your functional lung tissue to be more efficient too with proper diet and excersise.
Hi Patrick how do you find Dr photo I could not find him. Thanks for your help! Alison
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There is no such thing as a cure for emphysema.  It's a progressive disease that WILL eventually kill you.  If you don't have emphysema now, you never did have it.  It doesn't go away, period.  Glad you are okay.
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I am proof that mild Emphysema stops my  X-ray proves it  I quit nearly 5 months ago no problems breathing
That is excellent iceoteck. We appreciate your helping our members with your own success story!  Congrats on stopping smoking.  What is your age and how did you find quitting? you are absolutely right that quitting smoking can make a major impact on copd! https://www.copdfoundation.org/Learn-More/I-am-a-Person-with-COPD/Quitting-Smoking.aspx luck to all.
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If you stop smoking at the early stages of COPD and emphysema, you can lessen or get did not all symptoms. However, 2nd hand smoke, and not taking care of self is not going to help. I have COPD and it is not fun. However, I am finding exercise, correct diet and making sure to take treatments I am able to keep it under control so I am living an active and fairly healthy life.  If you are young (under 50) and do right you will be happy and healthy.
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I agree with your statement, I have quit and restarted multiple times in my life. Only a few days ago I was told that I have mild emphysema and it has scared the hell out of me, so I am trying yet again to stop. It is a very hard thing to get out of your life. Both my husband and I smoke, when we first got together I had actually been off the smokes for more than two years but started again seven months into our relationship. He was going through a lot of stress so I could not and would not ask him to stop. Now we have both realised for one of us to quit we both have to. It is unfair and unrealistic for a smoker living with another smoker to quit when their partner does not. However it is more unfair for one person to have a chronic health problem to be treated with such disregard. I am sure your wife loves you however at the very least she could not smoke in the house. Perhaps you could ask her to only smoke outside.
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I disagree, there are patches, sprays and even medication to stop the cravings. That is just selfish and inconsiderate to smoke  in the house. Is it that hard to walk outside
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I just got diagnosed with COPD a few months ago and it's not ok for anyone to be smoking around you. I had the same argument with my significant other. They have to show you the respect you deserve. It's damn scary enough as is.
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Also emphysema does progress but it slows and your lungs clean themselves out and get back some better function so you will probably feel worse before you feel better.
17542263 tn?1476146221
I have emphysema, but my husband doesn't care if he blows smoke in my face. He has always put himself first
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Hi Lisa I'm told that for some people it would be easier to quit from heroin addiction than nicotine. I've quit regular cigarettes but am still using e-cigs which is my next struggle. So I know both sides. You will always get negative comments on sites of this nature take no notice. rab
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Read it properly before you post negative comments..........                                                                                      I don't know your wife but if she loved you she would not smoke (((in the house or around you.)))
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Stop smoking doesn't necessarily mean your emphysema will slow down. I quit smoking 4 years ago after 40 years. My lung volume was 76% 2 years ago. It's now down to 56%. That doesn't lead me to believe it's slowing down at all. I am going to try some supplements and see what happens with it. I don't have anything to lose. I'm also going to Temple Hospital in Philadelphia
to see what they recommend.
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Do you mind letting us know what kind of test your doctor took?
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Your husband should have a 'Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Defiency' test done. This is a rare genetic disorder where their is a lack of a protein in the blood called, alpha 1 antitrypsin or AAT. ATT protein is mainly produced in the liver and its main function is to protect the lungs from inflammation caused by infections or inhaled irritants such as tobacco smoke. The low level of AAT in the blood occurs, because the AAT is abnormal, and cannot be released from the liver at the normal rate. So, over time, as adults, can cause liver disease. So is important to have your husband checked for this genetic problem, since no one knows what caused his emphysema. AAT causes the same lung symptoms as emphysema symptoms. Also, I have heard that there is an infusion that can be performed where they put the AAT proteins into the body (probably a yearly basis), and therefore help with these symptoms.
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Your husband should have a 'Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Defiency' test done. This is a rare genetic disorder where their is a lack of a protein in the blood called, alpha 1 antitrypsin or AAT. ATT protein is mainly produced in the liver and its main function is to protect the lungs from inflammation caused by infections or inhaled irritants such as tobacco smoke. The low level of AAT in the blood occurs, because the AAT is abnormal, and cannot be released from the liver at the normal rate. So, over time, as adults, can cause liver disease. So is important to have your husband checked for this genetic problem, since no one knows what caused his emphysema. AAT causes the same lung symptoms as emphysema symptoms. Also, I have heard that there is an infusion that can be performed where they put the AAT proteins into the body (probably a yearly basis), and therefore help with these symptoms.
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I understand that being a past smoker myself, it does **** you off when someone tries to tell you to stop smoking in your own house. I smoked for 12 years. I quit 8 months ago because it was causing anxiety problems for me. I am a worry wart and I was so afraid I was going to die from it. I have a child that depends on me to be here everyday so that helped me to quit. It has been a struggle don't get me wrong but I know the outcomes are worth every second of struggle. I will never touch another smoke. As for your wife, she definitely needs to understand that your life is nothing to gamble with. This is serious and she should take the necessary steps to ensure that her smoking is not interfering with anyone's life or health. If she wants to smoke that's on her. I know it is hard to stop. When I stopped my boyfriend still smoked in the house with myself and our child. I preached to him everyday about quitting. My child even told him to quit. He was so against quitting. He felt that it was his life and he would do what he wanted. I thought I would never get him to quit. The good Lord had my back, my boyfriend put his smokes down 2 months after I did and we are both smoke free now. We love it! For all of you smokers out there, there is happiness after quitting. I promise. It will be rough the first couple of months but you can do it. I thought I would never be able to put them down but I did and I am so happy that I did. As for the husband with the wife that won't quit smoking in the house. Try to find something that you can talk about the will encourage her. Sit down and have serious talk with her. Such as our grandchildren need us to be here for them, our children need us, you could get emphysema just as well as I did, etc. If you have the dreadful very important health talk it may change her mind. Good Luck!!!!! Have faith!
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Does anyone know what can actually reassure us that we definitely do not have emphysema. I was tested in 2004, the same yr I quit smoking after 20yrs, in that time I had quit for 6 months, and a few other times, couple wks here and there. Dr. ran chest x-ray which was clear, then PFT tests, in which I was told I blew above average, then finally a CT W/contrast dye, and it was clear. Dr. called and said You do not have emphysema. However, 2 wks ago was told I had 4 leaky heart valves, and irregular heart beat, and also INCREASED LUNG PRESSURE! My mind went immediately to emphysema, because of past scare. But Dr. said he wanted me to do sleep study. However I do not read anything positive about INCREASED LUNG PRESSURE. Only worries me more. I`m hope it is only paranoia now. However, How can we ever be comfortable with an answer? Also, with all of those clear tests in 2004, should I be worried about emphysema. By the way, the Doc scared me into quitting, Thank GOD!!!!
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No chance its emphysema
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I was diagnosed with copd, I have never smoked in my life but was in the hospital a couple weeks ago because I could not breath. I am 51, grew up in a house hold where both parents smoked, left home at 19 and have  not lived with anyone smoking in the home since yet I have copd. I have lived in the country most of my life, worked outdoors and have tried to live a healthy life yet have the diagnosis. If the people you live with know that you have an illness and that what they are doing like smoking is killing you, if they loved you they would make sure you were not exposed to it if they could help it, ie, smoking out side the home and not in the car. I realize that quitting is not easy, but it is a choice as to where you smoke though. I don't think it is fair that I have never smoked and yet have copd, but it is more so unfair if I am around someone who smokes and they are aware of my illness yet still light up in front of me. That is not a friend, and they do not care about you if that is the case.  I have not been told that it would get better. I understand that it will progress and there is nothing I can do about it and that is just the way it is, but please, if you do smoke and know someone else who suffers from copd, please consider what they are dealing with and do not light up around them.
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It is a very narrow minded statement to say, "If she loves you she would not smoke".  We might wish that to be true but you can love someone and not be able to quit.
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I don't understand your wife, does she really understand what is wrong with you, to-day I have been diagonosed with it and i quit 14 years ago I am gutted what i have done to my self, i know how hard it can been to quit it was one of the hardest things I have done but boy I am so proud of myself that i did, I don't know your wife but if she loved you she would not smoke in the house or around you  
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I am so proud of everyone on here that has stopped smoking  good on you  congratulations   I try and stay away  from neighbours with their smoking but you know what the coughing is a smokers cough and they keep smoking   I never smoked a packet a day or even half a packet but did start at the age of 15 years my mate show me how  lol  50 year's so pretty lucky only to  have some Emphysema  breathing okay  yea doing good  but will never smoke again   want my daughter to stop  can't make her but  hopefully she will   smokes are expensive now in Australia  the Government having fun putting the price up  so they get the taxes  and the taxes are heaps   good on you guys  
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i have bronchitis enphysema chronic asthma i have not smoked for 35 years was told before christmas then in january told it had progressed quicker than doc expected ot to only they said i have copd
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i have bronchitis enphysema chronic asthma i have not smoked for 35 years was told before christmas then in january told it had progressed quicker than doc expected ot to only they said i have copd
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757137 tn?1347196453
Does he work in an office? How is it ventilated? When I got COPD it also came on very quickly. If it had been caused by smoking, it would have been a more gradual process.
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757137 tn?1347196453
Your husband may have been exposed to toxic inhalants without knowing it. What most people do not realize is that organophosphates are commonly used in venting systems (heating and air conditioning) to kill germs. I developed COPD in this manner. I lived in a very fancy apartment that did not have windows that opened and fell prey to a poisoned venting system.
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My husband has been diagnosed with empysema. He hasn't ever smoked nor to his knowledge worked with chemicals that could cause this.He has been to  two of the  finest pulminoligists in our city and both agree with the diagnoses. His CT scans show many small and large blebs, and he struggles for breath at times, tires easily, and his complexion turns a pasty white. This started in July, 2010. Before this he  was extremely active. Now he has to rest after lacing his shoes. He has always taken excellent care of himself, always had his yearly physical exactly when  he was supposed to and now so suddenly this disease has come seemingly out of the blue. His physicians are baffled, as are we. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?
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Could be a genetic disposition to the condition

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