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Cold keeps coming back every 2 weeks

I was not able to get a flu shot this year. I used to rarely get sick in the past few years (5+ years or so).

Anyhow, I keep getting a cold (runyn nose with greenish mucus, no fewer or aches) every two weeks. The first time in Oct, then in Nov I did not go to a doctor and just did home remedies. When I got sick again in Dec I went to the docs and got penicillin, 500g 3 times a day for 10 days. I completed the course. But here I am two weeks later and have a stuffed nose again.

I'm planning to go to the doc again and have a appointment later in week, however was curious should I be looking for something beyond a cold. I also have allergies, but only in spring due to pollen, could these be allergies, or maybe allergies that end up giving me a nasal infection.
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Hey folks,

If you catch a cold often, it means that you immune system is weak. It's ok to catch a cold once in every 4 or 5 months. That's the regular frequency.

Here are the solutions:

1. Sun exposure (yes, you heard me right). Show you bare hands, legs, face, etc.. to the sun. Usually 20 minutes is enough if you have fair skin ... otherwise about 40 minutes.

2. Vitamin D. At least 1000 IUs a day for about 5 days. Don't exceed dosage.

3. Vitamin A. At least 400 IUs a day while you are having the cold symptoms.

4. Rest. Working from home is not the same as resting!

Good luck folks. Follow my advice and you will be healthy again.


- Nalin

(A Sri Lankan ... with ancestors that lived in the Island of Sri Lanka for the 3000 years ... from a family of doctors)
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Has anyone figured this out yet? Ever since I've had covid, I've been getting sick every two weeks. I will have one week of relief while I'm on antibiotics then I'm sick AGAIN... this has been going on for almost a whole year now. It's only the beginning of May, and I have now taken 4 antibiotics so far this year for the same sort of thing.. stuffy/runny nose, green mucus, sore throat, etc... last round of antibiotics, they put me on for 3 weeks. I ended up getting c diff from so many antibiotics and landed in the hospital for about a week. Now that I'm finishing up my course of antibiotics for the c diff, I'm getting a sore throat, stuffy nose again... It's like a never ending cycle. I am so depressed. If anyone knows a way to fix this or any advice, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!! I am so very desperate. This is taking away my entire life from me. I can't even do anything fun and take my kids anywhere because I am always sick. I only have time to go to work and then alternate between being down from being sick and trying to clean the house and keep up with life. I don't ever get to do anything fun anymore... just so depressed... I just cannot keep going on like this. I am so miserable!!!
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This has also been a problem for me. Most often starts with an itch in my trought or sore trought and then a very congested nose and a cold with the common side affects and feeling crappy. I am now on my 14th time in 14 months.
It's crazy how many we are fighting this same fight.
I know you are all searching for answers so I want you to take a good look around and see if there is a possibility that there is MOLD in the buildings you visit frequently, that is your home or your workplace or school. You might want to consider getting a professional to assist you on such an inspection for it can be hard to spot but sometimes it is just in plane sight, you just didn't know what to look for. But if a house has been leaking and it has not been properly dried and ventilated and fixed there is good chance of mold. The mold gives away toxins or mycotoxins which is invisible to the eye but can cause all kinds of symptoms and if you stay in this environment the symptoms will just keep coming back. Be warned to take safety measures when dealing with mold if you are going to do it yourself.
Hope this helps somebody.
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Same I am on the fit or sixth time I get lose of appitite stuffy nose head and body achs chills fatigue dizzyness and it will not go away idk y it is rediculous
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Found this board cuz I'm having similar things happen this winter...I'd been doing pretty well for several years, then BAM its like my childhood all over again :P

Has anyone had genetic testing done? I did mine at 23andme.com and then ran the two reports at geneticgenie.com. Upon reviewing results with a naturopath it turns out several genetic mutations I have explain my weak immune system: 1) I don't absorb vit D well, so I have to take large doses and in conjunction with Vit K2, 2) I don't convert B vitamins well, and synthetic ones actually get stored in my body as a toxin...same goes for folic acid (which explains when we cut out processed foods and all those "enriched" breads I got a LOT healthier!) 3) Several mutations lead up to me not being able to expel toxins well, so I'm currently trying some new things to aid with whats probably decades of stored toxins. I'm also super sensitive to molds, probably having to do with me not processing/eliminating toxins well...so in moist weather thats always a concern. I also discovered I require EXCESSIVE amounts of vitamin C...lately I've taken as much as 50g in one day when sick, before I even come close to bowel tolerance. I've also had success getting over colds FASTER and with no secondary infections with essential oils. I went at least over 1.5yrs with no antibiotics...when I used to take them 5-6 times a year!

I really feel like the genetic testing is a BIG piece of the puzzle! It amazes me how doctors for example just say take extra B vitamins and folic acid (common instructions during pregnancy)...and yet for a number of people with a specific (and common!) genetic mutation, this is poison! Hopefully this helps someone...took me over a decade to learn these very important pieces of the puzzle. And if you decide to do 23andme genetic testing, I wouldn't mind sending you a referral link, I get a little thank you bonus (Amazon Gift Card), which I'll probably use to buy my special detox probiotics lol

Hope everyone on here has found something that helps them, or that I've shared something that might be useful! Feel better soon people :)
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Interested in the testing you described.
Very interested in getting tested for my daughter and myself.
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Hi there , I was pretty much the same however now I have incorporated using " Colloidal Silver " & that seems to be helping a great deal ! Do not take it later the 5 pm if you plan to go to sleep around 10-11 pm as it will keep you awake as this give high energy & renews all the cells in our body .

I still take all my natural supplements & live a very healthy life stlye , rest / eat / sleep & exercise .
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Hi Jaye,
I am also very frustrated. Every few weeks I have to put my life on hold. I stop going to the gym, riding my bicycle and try and save every kilo joule of energy to get on with the essentials - like making it to work (and covering up / joking that I have man flu again). My symptoms are similar - extreme fatigue, cold symptoms (sore throat and green phlegm) and bowel upset. I have just gone to the GP again. He is running blood tests. I know they will come back negative. I will have a nice bill to pay and he will make me feel like I really am a hypochondriac! I will let you know if I hear anything. I am on an up phase now and it is a sunny day in Switzerland today so I am looking forward to jumping on my bike :) Cheers Chris
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I am on my fourth time with constant coughing and  I helped several people with the same thing I recently found on another post.  Seriously, try NYQUIL COLD & FLU...that simple.  You will notice on the bottle the ingredient for the coughing...I was better after 3 days... my coughing was gone!  It is a virus...I started taking it again and am better already...amazing!
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7471685 tn?1393400778
hey i think you should use a good anti allergic. rigix is one of them.
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I think it is because of the flu jab... i work with elderly people and as so as they start having the flu jab i get a cold, each year i get more and more this year since end of October i have had a cold every couple of weeks...got ne now it is really getting me down..

I think the medical profession need to start looking in to this.... its like the over use of antibiotics and MRSA they over prescribed antibiotics ..and now they found the antibiotics are not working . i think the flu jab has caused our poblem
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After reading all these, I think my problem is the worst.  I am having cold from my childhood (3,4 years).  Now I am 42.  I am getting cold once in every week (only for one day).  Nowadays it is happening on mondays.  I have tried all the branches of medicine (Modern medicine, ayurveda, yunani, Sidha and homoeo).  Now again I am trying homoeo.  I am also having Asthma.
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I have also been getting sick about 2 times a month for about 2 years. I have gone to doctors and my blood work is normal. It is so frustrating and hard. I eat healthy and exercise. I just bought a book called The Immune System Recovery Plan by Susan ****, M.D.  The book is very helpful. I also eliminated dairy and all wheat/gluten and feel much better. I got the flu a few days ago and I am trying to stay positive. Taking vitamin D is very important.
I am sorry to hear other people are getting sick often and I hope the book will help.

Take care,
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I have also been getting sick about 2 times a month for about 2 years. I have gone to doctors and my blood work is normal. It is so frustrating and hard. I eat healthy and exercise. I just bought a book called The Immune System Recovery Plan by Susan ****, M.D.  The book is very helpful. I also eliminated dairy and all wheat/gluten and feel much better. I got the flu a few days ago and I am trying to stay positive. Taking vitamin D is very important.
I am sorry to hear other people are getting sick often and I hope the book will help.

Take care,
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Mine started 3 years ago and I have been getting sick like clockwork about every 3 to 5 weeks. It's the same thing every time. All nasal crap and then just pour nasty yellow and green stuff out of my head, nose, chest.

Over half the time it starts with extreme chills when I go to bed followed by 102 fever and then the nasal symptoms start few days later. Then I'm fine for about 3 weeks and it starts again. Sometimes I don't get the fever and chills but I would say about 75% of the time I do.

I have seen doctors, allergists, etc. I am at a complete loss on what to do. I am getting very depressed by it and the doctors are absolutely zero help and I mean zero help. It's almost like they don't even believe you. It is not normal to get sick every 3 to 4 weeks with the same nasal symptoms. I really don't know what else to do. Never been sick so much in my life and it's always the same nasal symptoms every time. In fact got it right now.
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I' ve been sick with a recurring cold for 12 weeks now. It lasts about a week then goes away for the most part and then a week later it starts all over again. So annoying! It's about to make me nuts! Three different antibiotics now and no help! Also been having a lot of gastrointestinal issues....pain, gas/bloating and diarrhea. I'm about to go broke with this mess after 6 visits to doctors.
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Hi everyone, I was starting to think there was something really terribly wrong with me. But I see that a lot of you are suffering from the same thing. Mine starts with ringing in my ears and a plugged head. Then a cough and here it goes. I'm on my 4th cold this winter/spring season. Today I'm feeling like I have water in my ear canal, like when you going swimming and the ears get plugged up!

I hope we all start feeling better!
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Hi everyone, I was starting to think there was something really terribly wrong with me. But I see that a lot of you are suffering from the same thing. Mine starts with ringing in my ears and a plugged head. Then a cough and here it goes. I'm on my 4th cold this winter/spring season. Today I'm feeling like I have water in my ear canal, like when you going swimming and the ears get plugged up because water gets in there!

I hope we all start feeling better!
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I think he mean "anti" not Ant
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What are you talking about - ant allergy tablets.  Give names!!!!!  People (like me) are desperate!  Two different kinds - what kinds????  My pharmacist, chemist, don't know what on earth I'm talking about.  Please explain - make yourself more clear!!!!!!!!!!
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okay there wizzkid100. Glad ur feeling better while we are all sick.  If your going to make a comment why don't you explain it better rather than dangling it over our heads.... thanks for nothing!!
okay there wizzkid100. Glad ur feeling better while we are all sick.  If your going to make a comment why don't you explain it better rather than dangling it over our heads.... thanks for nothing!!
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When you sneeze, take 250 mg of vitamin c and an echinacea drop.  When ever I do that, I don't get sick.  When I sneeze and don't take vitamin c and echinacea drop - I usually get sick.
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Hi ya, I had this, colds all the time sneezing, I also for around 4 years had a really tite stomach, lots of gas and indigestion... I had all of this for about 4 years , I went to loads of doctors who said it was stress and put me on anti depressants no joy there... Anyway to cut a long story short I started to take ant allergy tablets just in case I had an allergy, I took them for about two weeks (a pack of 14), still didn't work, anyway I asked my partner to get me some more just to keep it up for a while so she did , I took one and within around 30 mins my cold stopped and I felt much better, we'll I checked the packets and realised there are two types and when she had purchased the second pack she had purchased the other type.. I'm sorry I can't list the types but just ask chemist buy 7 of each take one , see if it clears you up if not the next try the other type , my stomach also has been much better. Hope this helps.. I now buy the one a day of the sort I need and buy them from the pound shop... Once you know what sort you need you can buy cheaper from other places...
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thanks for nothing buds
535822 tn?1443976780
yes so have I when I went to the doctor which I rarely do the waiting room was full of p[eople and kids with the same ...I was given anti biotics for sore throat and ear ache.I feel better but still not well ..I think its environmental allergies
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Thanks for posting everyone.  Me and my five children are all getting this head cold/sore throat/ cough.  Healthy one week or two- sick the next!!!  Round three!!!
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My suggestion to those who are serious about finding and beating this: a symptom journal. Describe every days' symptoms, even on days you feel good. If there aren't symptoms on a particular day, write it down. Keep up to date on humidity and mold content (weather.com supplies this info). Make a note of where you live and other people who display similar symptoms. Try to keep track of your nutrition too, like vitamins and what you're eating.

Keep in mind that it takes anywhere from a couple days to a week to get sick. If you use that logic and keep track, you should at least be able to narrow down the time frame for different factors. If you look back in your notes yoou should find a common theme and can then work toward cutting that bit out.

Also note any times you leave the heater running too high or when you leave a window open at night. Check around your houses for dead critters, to see if it's affecting the wildlife or if the wildlife is affecting you.

I've already started with my journal. If you don't have time or are always on the go, get a pocket journal. They're tiny and useful. If you have a smartphone, there's a handy app called the period app that is supposed to help women keep track of their period and symptoms. It doesn't necessarily have to be used for this purpose and the guys could always use the excuse of "it's my girlfriend's". Lol. But it'll give you a calendar, symptoms, and a notes section. It's one of many ways I keep track of mine.

This can be treatable and possibly cureable if we can eliminate different causes and factors which might depress the immune system. It's a long and turbulant road, but it's got a shining future at the end.
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