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665881 tn?1248926997

What causes a fever, body aches & chills for 24 hours?

yesterday morning i woke up with a bit of nasal congestion & tender glands in the throat "hardly painful at all"...the later on in the day my body ached and that night i got fevers and headaches. I woke up this morning and i almost feel 100% What the heck was that all about? is there such this as a 24 hour cold? I don't have any STD's or diseases, recentlyesently had blood work and CT scans and MRI's for other reason but all came back in the clear. What could of caused this???
33 Responses
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Its possible you could of a temporary bug or an allergic reaction to a food you ma have eaten. If this is a common for you then you have to take a look at the medicines you take and the food you consume.

Also prevention is the best advice now that you are well. Everyday it is important to take your vitamins! A multivitamin, vitamin c, probiotics, fish oil, and vitamin d
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If yiu notice a rash, check for west Nile, Chikungunya and zika.
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Every 8 to 10 weeks my husband runs a fever, chills, body aches, and sweats. They have ran tests but can find no answer No cough,congestion, or runny nose. It lasts about 24 hours if that long and goes away. He feels washout afterwards and drained. His urine is strong smell and dark in color. Help!
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I just met a guy who said he had flu like symptoms like that on and off and he said he finally found out he now had a gluten allergy. He cut all gluten out and has had no problems since. Give it a shot.
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My son has been in bed with a high fever for almost 2 days , he hasn't gotten out of bed at all not even to go to the bathroom. He's complaining of headaches but no other pain in his body. All his symptoms are like the flew but I'm worried it's more then that.
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Gastroenteritis.... Last 24-48 hours.  Some are viral some are bacterial some are parasitic.  Best prevention wash your hands or use a sanitizer after touching surfaces. Clean with bleach/water solution on hard surfaces.  Don't share untensils or drink from others cups. It takes 3 days to incubate and is highly contagious.  If you get away with just having fever, chills and body aches for 1 day your in the clear.  Try to drink a lot of water or gatorade and do a BRAT diet. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast.  Alternate between tylenol, then motrin for fevers.  Pepto Max or MOM Milk of magnesia will do wonders for you if you have stomach cramping.  SLEEP....    Viral gastroenteritis can also inflame the gallbladder which can sometimes cause a secondary infection.  Pain under the right rib cage or referred pain into the right shoulder is a sign of a gallbladder or gallstones infection.  Gastorenteritis will cause your glands (lympnodes) to swell as your body tries to work overtime to rid yourself of the infection.  Causing sore throat, earaches (sometimes itchy ear canals), dizzyness, fatigue, fever, chills and body aches.  Sometimes gastroenteritis is accompanied by vomiting and watery diarrhea sometimes it is not.   If you have viral gasto antibiotics will NOT help you.  You'll just have to let it run it's course.  If you have bacterial gastro antibiotics will clear up the infection quicker.  Only way to get the Dx is to get a stool sample.  Best prevention eat a good diet, and wash your hands and use hand sanitizer like you have OCD.   Gasto can live on surfaces for months just waiting for you to take it home with you....  ;)
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For the people who keep having the fever at night and is gone in the morning... you probably have what they call the "yuppy flu." It means your immune system has crashed and is not functioning properly. Hot and cold showers, sauna, exercise, detoxing and juicing are excellent ways to get your immune system back to normal. This kind of problem happens a lot when you are stressed for long periods and taking on too much. My husband followed this regime from his Naturopath when he had it and started feeling better within a couple days
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535822 tn?1443976780
Could be environmental allergies ..
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Its the travelers flu. Its a viral infection im just getting over myself. Its easilly spread because everyone in my household had it. But if it lasts more than 36hrs see the doctor. Good luck and better health
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4245565 tn?1351631778
I had the fever.....aches and pains, sweats...pain under the left rib....after four days of this I had to go to the Doctor.......turns out I had bacterial pneumonia, in the left lung of course!
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Does anybody actually know what this is....i suffer from it about 2-3 times a year, Its been going on for about 5 years and i always know exactly when its coming on as it starts with a headache that interferes my sleep the night before then the sore throat. Extremely sensitive goosebump like skin that is impossible to touch even lightly due to pain, eyeballs become sore when they move, all down my sides, along the ribcage and just below my sternum becomes achy, almost as is I've been for a pretty intense workout...and a general feeling of utter crap. I haven't been to a doctor as the illness usually lasts around 48hrs and I've just learnt to deal with it now, however would appreciate if anybody actually know what this is as im only 21, i don't want this to be something to live with forever ..
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So, you started a thread looking for answers and other have tried to let you know they have the same thing.  At least it kept your conversation going.  Nobody here is a doctor, so if you want an answer, go see one.  (I know you probably won't even see this as I know this thread is two years old.)  Hope you finally got a resolution.  BTW, have you been checked for autoimmune diseases?
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have you ever been tested for malaria, or any tick-borne disease? There are several of these viral type illnesses that break out on a 48-72 hour cycle... chills & fever, than sweating, then feel fine. then a day or so later starts all over again...
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I've got it bad at the moment. .Had a very demanding physical day the day before it started, not used to it much these days so over did it. Had it for 2 days now: bad aches all over my body, headache, fatigue, low-grade fever and chills. No sore throat, runny nose or cough so not the flu although it certainly feels just like it.

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I have a roommate with stomach pains, chills, maybe a fever, and diarrhea.  We both had the same food at dinner, I am doing fine but she has the symptoms and she  was an RN; although she does not want to go to and be checked out and I guess wants to care of it by herself.  Is there  anything I should or could do for her?
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I got this yesterday as well. Fever, body aches chills, sore throat. The only difference from the posts above is that I worked out ALOT the day prior. I hadnt exercised for a long time because of a concussion, and really over did it. I ran for an hour, then did 2 hours of hard conditioning. When I got home I felt funny and attributed it to muscle soreness from the workout. then a few hours later I had the above mentioned symptoms. anyone else work out too much then get this?
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That's exactly the symptoms. I have no idea what it is. I have it right now and it hurts. I kept waking up in the night with body aches, everywhere, the came chills and a light fever, along with a headache... I hope it only lasts a day!  
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Well as far as I know, my son was sick for about a week and had a scratchy throat, chills, sweats and fever.  Gave him every over the counter medicine you could think of and decided to take him to the emergency.  He had a temperature of 103 when we arrived at the hospital and he was diagnosed with strep throat wish was causing him to have the high fever.  
The fever was causing the chills and if we would of waitted another day he could of died.  He was injected with penicillin and given ibuprofen for the fever.  He had the fever for another 24 hours and is now doing ok.  Hope this answered your question.
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Well.... I actually was searching for the same symptoms ...as I have just gone through this ....again. I was hoping to find a answer ... I have a theory though. I have herpes simplex 1 - and I seem to get these symptoms a few days before a breakout. Yesterday I had a bad bout of this ... and it seemed to be brought on by a severe  morning of stress - then I had a couple of hours of really intense body aches - all over - then the rest of the day and this morning is chills - very sensitive skin and more body aching.  ???
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Its been 24 hours for me too. It started yesterday morning with  a dull headache, sore legs then about noon fatigue set in, chills,fever,sore throat , lower back aches and that was it, I was in bed at 1  oclock till 8 next morning. I could hardly walk to the bathroom in the night my legs were so weak.  thank god its over.
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This seems to happen to me every 6 to 8 months. I develop a soar back and legs during the day, it has happened for a number of years now so that I can predict it coming on. I have shakes and chills and fever all night, and sweat like crazy, I have to change the sheets mid night usually. In the morning I feel fine. Any ideas?
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i just had the same thing lasted just for one night, i had sex the day before n got sick the nxt day.. kinda scared to get tested! Any ideas?
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I have had the worst pains in my whole body for the last 2 days. I am experianceing chills even when it is 80 in our house. Pain so bad I can hardly stand up or sleep. Today I felt better after taking an advil. But it came right back in a few hours. When I feel better I am having very bad sweats. No fever. No cough. No cold symptoms.
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wah...what i mean lady. its infection. classic s&s. go see a dr and figure out whats wrong so it doesn't happen again instead of asking unqualified people on the internet. anti-biotics.
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