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Worried...and Google isn't helping

I am so glad that I found this forum!  I have been going crazy looking up information this week and feeling more and more scared...I am hoping that someone can shed some light on the symptoms I have been experiencing...

I am a 37 female with Multiple Sclerosis, Endometriosis, Fibrocystic Breast Disease and Raynauds...other that those, I live a pretty healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.  I used to suffer from constipation in my early 20s but that was resolved and things were going pretty good for a bit.  I then developed hemmeroids(sp?) and once had an external one so big that it was mistaken for  a rectal prolapse (about 1 year ago)....

Now to this week...

On Wednesday I was visiting my mom when I had numerous urges to pass a bowel movement but only a bit came out the first few times.  Then, at about noon, the toilet filled with blood and loose stool.  Freaked me right out!  It was so bad that I thought I got one of my heavy periods again, only to find out the blood actually came from my anus.  I had cramping while this was going on.  I went to the emergency room and then ran some "simple blood tests" all of which were fine.  The doctor told me that I was too young for any of the bowel cancers and it was probably a hemmeroid up higher in my rectum.  He performed a rectal exam and said he couldn't find anything...So he sent me home and just informed me that if I lost more blood, to come back for a transfusion, otherwise wait for his referral to the Gastro Clinic.  

The next day I had numerous bouts of diarrhea but only small amounts at a time.  I was crampy all day and just tried to take it easy.  The cramping went on and off all day as did the urge to constantly use the bathroom.

Today I finally passed a somewhat formed stool...but it was like a ribbon.  Then the diarrhea started again and a lot of mucous and bubbles were present with the stool in the toilet.  Again the urge to "go" is happening a lot and when I am on the toilet I feel as if I am constipated and trying to pass a large stool, only to find a little bit comes out and its very loose or watery. So there was only the one time of the blood in the stool (significant amount, not like the streaking I get if i have a hemmeroid)

The Gastro clinic just called and I have an appointment in 5 weeks time.  Can anyone tell me if that's too long to wait? esp in light of the changing symptoms?  Can anyone please let me know if I am on the right track of thinking it COULD be colon cancer (which is in my family, although it was great-aunts and great-uncles, etc)  If not, what else could all this mean?

I so look forward to someone being able to offer me some advice.  Thank you in advance for your help.
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Hi, I think you definitely need to see a Gastro doc to have some tests done. I wouldn't worry about it being cancer at your age, and you're definitely headed in the right direction for answers.  If you should have another heavy bleed, go to the ER again for sure.  I wish you all the best.
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I totally agree with mammo.  This is Not something to mess around with.  A colonoscopy should be done so they can see the entire colon.  It might not be cancer, but it could be.  Good Luck and God Bless.
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I must say that I agree.  I'm not sure I would wait those 5 weeks.  I'd rattle someone's chain til they got me in sooner.  However, I have a daughter who was filling the toilet with blood kinda like you described several years ago.  We took her to GI and she was scoped at 19.  We were expecting terrible news only to have the doctor come out and say that she had a healthy colon for a 19 yr old.  He said he didn't see any area where the blood could have come from.  She continued to have bloody...and I mean bloody bowel movements.  It scared me to death.   I don't know about this doctor's exam but she is now 25 yrs old and has been keeping her bowels regular enough with Clearlax and has for years.  They started her on this med when it was still prescription only.  She's been on it for years.  I hope she will be ok  so far, she seems healthy...just thought I'd let you know that it might not be so bad as you are thinking.  Good luck & God Bless.
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