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22 year old woman. colon cancer possibility?

Im a 22 year old woman and for the past few weeks, i have had a horrible scare about colon cancer. I've had very irregular bowl movements. One day I may be constipated and another i may have diarrhea. I sometimes have a pain in my anus. For instance, when i squeeze my buttchecks together, i feel a sharp pain. The pain doesn't necessarly hurt, but is more like a pinch like feeling. I haven't noticed any sort of blood in my bowel movement, but one a few occasions, i have noticed some clear mucus. Also, i have noticed that some of the skin around my anus is somewhat "loose" (not sure if thats the right word to use). Im guessing that can be the result of a previous hemmorrhoid? not sure..
My grandfather was diagnosed and treated for colon cancer a few years ago. He was in his late 70's when he was diagnosed. The doctor didnt mention anything about the hereditary colon cancer (FAP).  
I'm scared. I don't really know what to do? Should i go for a colonoscopy?
any feedback will be veryyy appreciated. thanks in advance for the help
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Sandeep, don’t worry about your issue. You are with a condition called as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Even the doctors are unable to known what exactly causes the IBS but these are the exact symptoms of IBS. The treatment for this condition is not yet known but the effect can be minimized by changing the diet and lifestyle patterns which includes exercises, reducing stress, ingestion of probiotics, healthy foods that are good in fiber content, drinking adequate water and using the medications.
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In the initial stage of colon cancer most probably we can’t find any symptoms. After reading your thread which you posted sounds like constipation. Try to increase amount of fiber and try to eat natural fruits, vegetables, and drink 2-3 liters or 6-8 ounce of water per day. See it for week if it is cure itself up. Or consult a doctor and tell you symptoms he suggest you the exact range of your condition.  
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Constipation, diarrhea and irregular bowel movements are common problems, every one may experience once in their life. Colon Cancer has some other symptoms like weakness, breathing problem, weight loss, abdominal pain and hemorrhoids for long time.

If you have these types of symptoms for more than one month consult your doctor. He will give you colonoscopy test for identify the colon cancer, if he find any polyps lead to cancer that polyps can be removed.
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5766249 tn?1375776295
Hi jjo389, I don’t think so, it would be a colon cancer.
Here are the initial symptoms of colon cancer:
1.Abdominal pain.
2.Unwanted sudden weight loss.
3.Blood in your stools or bleeding from rectum.
4.A change to your normal bowel habits that persists for more than three weeks like diarrhea, constipation or passing stools more frequently than usual
5.Weakness of fatigue.

Symptoms of colon cancer are numerous and nonspecific. They also include weakness, shortness of breath, change in bowel habits, narrow stools.
Sometimes early colon cancer may have no symptoms and some symptoms of later colon cancer can also occur in people with less serious medical problems, such as hemorrhoids (piles).

Already you have a colon cancer history in your family, it’s always recommended to get check up by a doctor if you have experienced any of the symptoms above; these types of symptoms always need to be investigated further.

Good Luck.
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I am a 22 years old male and this june 26 morning i had a severe abdominal pain and diarrhoea like symtoms and when i went to physician he sent me for stool r/e and occult blood test and found out pus cells 4-5 and Rbc 6-7 and occult blood also positive.After that Dr did my UGI endoscopy and found normal and gave me some medicines and now its been three days my pain is almost gone but the stool still doesnt seem normal and i am very much worried about it.Before that i used to get constipation some days plz can any one give me some suggestions what to do..I am so much worried.
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This sounds like IBS aternating between diarrhea and constipation.  The constipation may have caused a fissure (small tear) in the anus causing pain. But to put your mind at ease, see a Gastroenterologist for an evaluation.  Colon cancer is extremely rare in people your age, so that's a plus and you really don't have the symptoms.  The fact that your grandfather was 70 before he died of colon cancer is pretty typical, and just make sure you start getting your scopes at 50 like we are all told to do. I truly dsn't feel this is anything serious, but seeing a GI doctor will help you learn exactly what is going on, get treament if needed (IBS can be controlled by medication) and give you peace of mind.  FAP is in our family, so trust that it's not in yours.  I wish you all the best, and let us know what you find out. Take care!
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