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Colon polyps and...

Ok i just turned 27 which means i have to have another colonoscopy.  I had one when i was 22, due to bleeding, and several(2-3) polyps were removed.  I scheduled my appt last week, cant be seen for about a month or so, and monday had pretty bad bleeding again, it was probably about a tablespoon worth of blood.  Ok, so i can deal with the polys thing, but the culmination of problems is what is bothering me. When i was 19 i was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and fibormyalgia.  The meds i was given for itmade me feel like complete crap. I stayed on them for about 7 months and thats i could deal with.  A few short months later at a gyn appointment my doctor told me i have polycystic ovary syndrome, so i take birth control daily to control the hormones.  A friend of mine suggested I get tested for Lyme Disease. I grew up outside on a farm so the tick aspect is definatly covered. I figured i have somesort of genetic abnormality and nothing really can be done.  Any thought or suggestions would be great.
5 Responses
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1118884 tn?1338592850
Hi there,

Well...you have had to deal with several big health issues. Congratulations for handling them in a reasonable manner.

From my perspective most disorders  are genetic in origin.  
The predisposition is built into our DNA; when conditions are favorable, they will pop up.  That is not to say you inherit every disorder your ancesors had!

Modern medicine helps us fight the problems we get, as your post shows.

Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed, waiting for the colonoscopy?  Then hearing a friend's scary suggestion that you could have Lyme Disease???

Try to stay calm.  You know how polops present, and that they can be removed during the colonoscopy.  

It is as you said, the 'culmination of problems' that needs to be addressed.

Natural to feel anxious with all you are going through. But you will get through.  This time will pass.  If you can ....discourage well meaning friend's diagnoses:).  Put your mind on what is good and hopeful.

Post again anytime.  I am not usually in this forum.  Hope others here will be off support.

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1809109 tn?1331803777
Honestly I'm going through a small hiccup in comparison health wise and it's definitely left me feeling frustrated, helpless and kind of depressed. It's completely overwhelming to be in your 20's and taking half a dozen prescription pills, feeling like you have no connection to the rest of those care free kids. If you're feeling like this, perhaps you should talk to a counselor?

And with lyme disease it is possible to get false negatives so if you have reason to think it's possible make sure your dr tests you for it.
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212161 tn?1599427282
i feel your pain i have got to get another colon test and i hate being put to sleep, its my thrid one and an very nerves . never get used to them but have not had one in 12 -15 years am 52 now so they want me get it, hope npothing has grown since last one, never had a problem, but mom and sis have had the polyps
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Hi....Has your GI doctor mentioned anything to you about AFAP?  You're very young to be getting so many polyps and this normally indicates that AFAP is in the family.  It is hereditary although a spontaneous mutation can happen.  Have you lost any family members to colon cancer in their 40's?
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212161 tn?1599427282
just had my colonoscopy and i can tell you dont stress that tst it was so eay. mine came out great , praying yours will be the same.
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