577395 tn?1277401364

Colonoscopy report - need help!!!!

Hi All,
Here I am again seeking your help!!!!!!!!!
My father is 75. He had his 1st colonoscopy yesterday. The doctor removed multiple polyps and didn't remove, biopsied 2 polyps. Biopsy results will be ready Aug. 14. Looking at the report makes me realy scared, that he might have colon cancer. Can you please look at it and give me some insight. Really appreciate your help! Any additional information will help. What scares me the most in the reort is Hepatic Flexure.
Here is the report:
Anal Canal - Internal Hemorrhoids
Rectum - Normal

Sigmoid Colon - Diverculosis, Moderate. Flat 0.6 cm polyp removed via snare cautery. 1.0 cm flat polyp - biopsy taken

Descending Colon - Normal
Splenic Flexure - Normal

Transverse Colon - 0.3 cm removed via forceps

Hepatic Flexure - flat polyp involving 50 - 60% of circumference - biopsy taken, 0.3 polyp removed via cold bx forceps, 0.4cm polyp removed via snare cautery

Ascending Colon - 0.5cm polyp removed via snare cautery

Cecum - 0.6cm, 0.7cm polyps removed via snare cautery

IMPRESSION: Multiple polyps. R/O attenuated polyposis syndrome. Diverculosis. IHs
4 Responses
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Hi....finding multiple polyps in one this age is common and that's why they tell us to start getting scoped at 50, so this is not unusual for your dad.  They always biopsy the polyps when removed and unless he's been having bleeding or pain, I feel they'll come back okay.  Hepatic Flexure is the area of the colon that lies between the liver and pancreas and that is how it gets it's name.  Diverculosis is something many of us have and never know it and it's usually found while screening for something else.  It's where little areas of the colon become weakened, and this can eventually become Diverticulitis...a more serious condition, but manageable.  Your dad probably had no symptoms from this and the best thing he can do to prevent it from becoming Diverticulitis is to keep himself regular.  Most of us will have Diverculosis and live our entire lives with no problems, as your dad may as well.  They ruled out AFP...Attenuated Familial Polyposis which is good news for you because if he had this you would have a 50% chance of having inherited it.  Overall, your dad appears to be very healthy, and even if one of the polyps comes back positive, you've caught it early and that's always the best case scenario!  I truly wouldn't worry, and I wish you both all the best!
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577395 tn?1277401364
Thank you so very much for such a detailed answer!!!!! What worried me is FLAT polyp involving 50 - 60% of circumference in the Hepatic Flexure area. I read that flat polyps most likely are malignant - is that true? Do you think he will need a surgery?

Thanks again! You are soooo helpfull!!!
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If a polyp is flat (sessile) they can carry more of a potential for cancer but still manageable.  This type of polyp is more difficult to remove completely, once removed then the site of the removal should be checked in 3-6 months to document complete removal and then again one year later. Once a normal colonoscopy without polyps is performed, the surveillance interval can be increased to five years. These polyps may be treated without surgical removal of that part of the colon that contained the polyp if: 1) the doctor is confident that the polyp was removed completely, 2) the pathologist does not see any cancer at the margin of the polyp that was attached to the colon (which would suggest that cancer was left behind), and 3) the cancer is histologically (under the microscope) "less aggressive" looking.
Your dad's risk of colon cancer is approximately double the general population once an adenomatous polyp is found. But his risk of developing colon cancer can be significantly reduced by removing the polyp and any future polyps.

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577395 tn?1277401364
Thank you very very much! Now I understand it better. Thanks again!
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