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Is colon cancer genetic? I am so sacred because i have had constipation for a long time now, although they have been off and on, I have also had problems with strong stools, blood coming out as a result with the hard stool and see blood on the toilet paper when i wipe. Alot of constipation and bloating off and on too. I have summed it all up and i am worked up thinking i might have a cancer. Please help.
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862235 tn?1336060295
My wife was constipated for a month at a time a couple of times, at least. For her it's always been diverticulitis and IBS.
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She would tell me that when she went it was like pooping legos.
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Hi there

Im having the same worry but i have the diarrhea instead!

How old are you?
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40 years
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