654491 tn?1226209319

DIFFERENCES Colon Disorder

Doctor, can you give me any suggestions
I have been having pain in rt flank area (with swelling)and rt ovary/other abdominal pain sharp to rectum internal. Chronic constipation, bloating, gas have been diagnosised  with IBS. Edema chronic wt changes with fluid. Currently take MOM and other sena-soft to have BM either Daily or every 2 Days before laxatives even taken fiber/flax seed ... sometimes no movement for a week. Now i am concerned that what if i have a blockage that is causing this problem(polyp)? I can feel something sometimes that was 1.5 cm round and soft now i feel 3 cm same area internal. What does this mean? Do I go to a GI Md  or ovarian Gyneo. MD confused?  Is this emergent care because next week i am to have a biopsy on the thyroid nodule 1 but have more than 1. Are they related? What test would be good to rule out CA.            Thankyou ABBy
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654491 tn?1226209319
I know it is not hemm. if it is up higher felt in the bowel soft round smooth to the right could it be a cyst. or polyp or irritations from hard stools. but i noticed it has gotten a little bigger. no bleeding. i am using more laxatives to stay more regular and to keep the bowel moving softer.         i cant go in right now for a colonoscopy what are the chances could this be the right ovary i felt?  Thankyou, Abby
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It would be best to have yourself examined by a doctor. If you are able to feel something, odds are it is a skin tag or possibly piles (hemorrhoids). These may cause some pain and hence the body responds to the pain by trying to avoid defecation. This may be misinterpreted as obstruction. If an examination has been done before on your anus, then it may be better to see a gastroenterologist or a colorectal surgeon. Stay positive.
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