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Narrow stool and gas pain

I have been pooping narrow stools for a week and persistent gas pain or hunger idk how to distiguish one from another. I dont feel pain while pooping ang there is no blood in my stools. However I feel a lump in one side of my anus the moment I wash off after pooping but there is no pain when I touch it then it is gone after I go out of the toilet maybe it went back inside the rectum. Any insight would be deeply appreciated. TIA
2 Responses
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15695260 tn?1549593113
Hello and welcome to MedHelp.  Sorry you have this health concern to contend with.  Definitely check in with your doctor as they can best advise you if this is still an issue for you.  Is this lump on the entry way of your anus or outside?  That is likely a hemorrhoid if so and they can make you uncomfortable. Or this inside your anus in which case we really advise not touching it.  The shape of our bowel movements, color and consistency all can be influenced by various things. Cancer is one of them but just one.  https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/ss/slideshow-poop-type-color  This slide show goes through a chart of what different types of poop shapes might mean.  Narrow or comma shaped bowel movements are something that colon cancer can cause but other issues can as well.  Are you over straining for example when trying to go or is your digestive track slow?  

This is information on colon cancer.  Again, speak to your doctor.  They may elect to do some testing on you.  And this could include a physical exam, x ray and/or colonoscopy.  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/colon-cancer/symptoms-causes/syc-20353669

Let us know how you are doing!
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15695260 tn?1549593113
How are things going?  I wanted to come back and check on you and see if this is still going on.
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