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Diagnosisof colon cancer

I am writing to find out more information for my father. Last year (November) he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He has had all the checks to see if it has spread and so far it seems to be contained in colon. No signs of it in liver, stomach, bladder or kidneys etc. But doctor has still not staged it. He says staging can only take place during the operation for a definite staging. We are all very concerned about this and his operation is due in 2 weeks time.

My question is is this sort of cancer a slow-progressing one? It seems that there has been no mad rush to operate immediately. I am worried that this cancer may have spread since November and we are now into Feb almost! Also if it's just in colon and nowehere else then what are chances of this being cleared out successfully? I read a lot about people who have had this cancer and have been very successful with treatment. So far my father has been told it's an operation involving a removal of part of bowel and then just rest and healing. He has been told no need for colostomy bag either which I think he is very happy about.

I think I am just looking for some reassurance from someone. I am very worried about my dad!
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Everything you've written points to a good outcome for your dad. Many survive colon cancer even when it has spread to other areas.  They will monitor your dad for some time via bloodwork after surgery to make sure some cells didn't spread.  The good news is since none have been detected at this point..if they do discover it's cropped up somewhere else in him, they will catch it early enough to remove it. I wouldn't worry, chances are very good that he'll do just fine.  Hope this helps and sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.
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Dear Mammo,
Thank you so much for your words. I am trying to think very positively about it all and agree that most of the results so far seem to indicate a good chance of recovery. He goes in on 13th for his op and so will let you all know how he does. I pray it's all treatable and not spread.
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Think good thoughts and I will keep praying for your dad.  Take care.
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Your father will probably be undergoing a total - or maybe partial - colectomy.  I underwent a total colectomy in 2004 not for colon cancer but for torrential diverticular bleeding.  In response to another Medhelp patient's question I posted my own experiences on:-

http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/523166 under my name Morecambe.

Maybe it might help your father to read this so that he has some idea of what to expect from his forthcoming surgery.  He may like to print off my posting and show it to his surgeon and ask whether it is representative of what he might expect.

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Hi there Morecombe,
I think my father is having a partial removal of bowel. All I know is that the doc said that he would NOT even need a bag after the operation.
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Rarely does anyone have to have the colostomy bag anymore when the entire colon is removed.  They have several options they can do with the most common being a J-Pouch.  But if your dad is having a resection then he will not have his entire colon removed so there's no need to even discuss it. We are able to have quite a bit of our colon removed before anything more drastic needs to be done. I would ask his doctor what would happen if  they get in there and the cancer is advanced...what will they do in the way of surgery.  I have 2 sons and a grandson that had their entire colons removed at 12, 16 and 10 and none had the bag.  Take care.
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     Don't think negatively after the surgery ,patients are took under observation  
to find out is there any cell get remain and get multiplied.
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Hi there everyone,

Just a quick update on my dad. He had his operation yesterday and we spoke with doctors last night. Operation it seems went very well. They got the tumour out andhe was stable and doing fine last night. When we went in he was just out of the operation and feeling sick from anaesthetic but he was quite pink looking and chirpy, all things considering. We are now waiting for the results to come back from the lab.

My question is: what are we waiting for to come back from the lab? I mean we know he had cancerous tumour...so what else are they testing for? All his scans have shown no spread of this cancer....so these tests confuse me.
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