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Rectal pressure/pain after TEM and subsequent bowel resection

My mother, age 73 and in excellent health, recently had transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) to remove a rectal mass.  The surgeon was almost through the surgery when he unfortunately punctured her bowel, resulting in an abdominal bowel resection.  Approximately a week after the surgery, she developed severe rectal pressure/pain which has been going on now for another week.  The surgeon said it's a result of the TEM and could last another few weeks.  She's having difficulty moving her bowels as well.  She did have two sleepless nights of running to the bathroom after the first week or so.  She's starting to become very depressed, rightfully so.  Fortunately, the pathology was high grade dysplasia so there's no need for future treatment.  Has anyone had any of these symptoms from either the TEM or the resection?  She basically had two procedures performed, and the day prior to the surgery had a polypoid mass in her sigmoid colon removed through a colonoscopy.  I feel so bad for her as she's a very active woman who doesn't take any medications, but has begun taking 1 Percocet at night to help her sleep to avoid the pain.
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Removal of a part - or all - of the colon usually causes increased frequency of bowel motions as well as diarrhoea-like symptoms.  The frequency does decrease over time.  I suggest a high fibre diet - to include organic oats and bran dishes - as a way of counteracting the "liquidness" of the motions.

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