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Worried about colonoscopy follow up


After six years of persistent rectal bleeding (first occurred in 2003), I had a colonoscopy in July 2009 and had a 12mm rectal polyp removed which turned out to be benign. I went to see my GP (I'm in the UK) yesterday to see if I should have any follow up investigations as it's just turned four years since the colonoscopy (the consultant who did the colonoscopy also did a follow-up flexible sigmoidoscopy in September 2009).

My GP said that as the polyp was benign there's no need for a further follow-up. However, I've read some guidelines for follow ups after a polypectomy which say a colonoscopy should be carried out after three years for polyps that are 10mm or larger.

My GP didn't have a copy of the final discharge letter after the flexible sigmoidoscopy, so I managed to speak to the consultant's secretary who told me a follow-up was recommended in 3-4 years after the polyp removal - I'm currently waiting for my hospital appointment.

I am worried though that maybe I should have had the follow-up this time last year - is having waited another year (even though it's still in the 3-4 year period) going to make a big difference?

Thanks - WorriedAndy
2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539
It is true that first follow-up surveillance be 3 years after polypectomy for most patients. However since the polyp was benign on biopsy and you are not having any recent symptoms, there is nothing much to worry and you can have the follow up done as scheduled.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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I had my colonoscopy this morning but am not quite sure what the outcome was. I was a bit groggy on the way back after the colonoscopy but asked the nurse taking me back if anything was found - she said there was nothing written on the consultant (who did the colonoscopy) notes. By the time I was discharged, the discharge nurse said the consultant had started his surgery list. I have a follow-up appointment in two weeks with him. If anything was found I assume it would be standard practice to record it and inform the patient after the procedure?
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