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please does this sound like colon cancer ??

Hello, im a 22 year old female with the great that I may be experiencing colon cancer. 5 months ago I had a very large blood clot in my left leg. Not long after that I started experiencing very severe abdominal pain and low back pain. At first I thought it had to do with my reproductive system but had an exploratory laparoscopy done and everything is fine.  After the surgery most of my family think is all in my head. Over the past few months I have been vomiting most of the time, been very tired been told im anemic, have lost weight, have seen blood in my stool several times,  having constipation and diarrhea, im going multiple times a day and am still having the pains.  My doctor set me up to have a colonoscopy done asap which scares me I'm still on blood thinners from my clot and she's worried about the bleeding. I have to wait 5 days for the colonoscopy.  In  the mean time im scared. Im adopted so I don't know family history of the disease.  Any advice would be appreciated. Had anyone experienced the same symptoms ? The doctor pretty much told me not to be surprised if they find a tumor. 
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You are following the correct steps in undergoing a colonoscopy - and maybe, at the same time, the surgeon could carry out an endoscopy to examine the stomach and upper intestines.

You are very young to be affected with colon cancer - the normal age is 40+ but there are very occasional instances where patients in their 20's have developed colon cancer.  However, if detected early, colon cancer is one of the most curable forms of cancer. At worst, it may require removal of the colon but (as happened to me) one can live perfectly normally without a colon.

Please let us know what the conclusions are after your colonoscopy.

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Your colon is not get properly removed in the first time. Have you got any result of your colonoscopy. Asked your doctor what's the exact problem you are facing.
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