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sixteen year old concerned.

Hi, this may seem stupid but im really worried. im sixteen and im really worried i have colon cancer, i looked it up because ive been expierencing some of the symptoms. first of alll when i press down on the lower left side of my abdomine i feel a bony/lumpy like mass its hard and runs from the top of my hip bone down to where my hip bone ends. i went to my doc and had it checked out and he said that it was from constipation and to take mirolax, i didnt and it eventually went away. two months later it came back, i took the mirolax and it gave me very loose stools, and now im back to the boney mass in my left abdomine and i have hard pellet like stools that sometimes have a mucus like substance on it. gross. theres never any blood in/on it. also my grandmas brother died from colon cancer, so thats another reason why im concerned.  if anybody has any idea it will be greatly appriciated. im probably just a hypocondriac. hah.
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750706 tn?1239454191
Check out Food Intolerances. There are also kits online you can buy for 4$ to check for colon cancer (not sure how accurate they are) at www.iherb.com. There is NO substitute for seeing a gastro doc and also make sure you see a nutritionist with a food diary. The thyroid will DEFINITELY play a role in metabolism so check with your endo about all this before seeing the other doctors.
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It doesnt cause me pain, but it just bugs me when its there. And when i know that somethings there and i can feel it, it freaks me out. It might be because of my hypothioroidism. if you dont have the correct dose of synthroid it causes cronic constipation,so im getting a blood test this monday to check out my levels and see whats going on im hoping that is all it is. also pretty much everybody on my moms side is a hypocondriac so thats not helping it either because i deffinetly got that from her.
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Dear lalax, I've had stomach problems all my life with no explanation. I've had colonoscopy,endoscopy,upper GI, Gallbladder...you name it. I don't want to make lite of your problem but want you to stop and think are you worrying too much about it? If your lumpy feeling went away for awhile and came back-probably not cancer-the lump would not come and go.Mucous around stool is not strange-there's alot of stuff in your digestive track-my stool is like that quite often and little hard pellets is a result of constipation.Does your hard lumpy area cause you pain? Do you feel bloated or uncomfortable? I'm curious?
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When I was sixteen I did anything I could to avoid being caught in a public or school washroom to go number 2.  I would want to wait till I got home.  This is a big mistake.  I would end up going days and once 2 weeks without going to the bathroom.  I developed problems with IBS and ate very little.  You need to speak to your doctor about seeing a good dietician and drink plenty of healthy fluids and water.  A couple of litres of water, clear teas a day will keep your bowels loser.  Dark green salads, and good quaility insoluable and soluable fibre, apples, yogurt.  Eat well!
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111889 tn?1240290262
You have to check that, can be many things, they have to do a colonoscopy and also endoscopy, you better visita a doctor good on gastroenterology
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