351724 tn?1267537018

what causes blood in stool after mentrual periods ?

Hello i know this probley isnt the right form ,but i have a few questions concerning my 13 yr old daughter . ok so far as i know this has happened 2-3x she has came to me and said she had bright red blood all in and around her stool . i asked when u wipe is there any blood on the paper , she said no . and it has happened after her periods end. is this a call for concern ?  i asked if her stools are hard , soft or watery she said between hard and soft i guess u can say normal , and i asked her about the color she said brown .  the only colon cancer i know of was my great grand mother which just recently died the day before thanksgiving  she had colon and pancreatic cancers  after knowing she had them  she didnt last long afterwards . cpl of months tops . she was also very old 92  yrs old . other than my great gram having colon cancer i dont really know our full history  all i do know is yes cancers run on both sides of my family and so does heart problems . Anyways i was just wondering do i have anything to worry about? i know blood in stool isnt normal. Thank you for your input and responses .
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You do need to find out what's going on, as rectal bleeding should never be ignored. Bright red blood indicates a lower GI bleed, dark or black blood is an upper GI bleed.  A lower GI bleed can be caused by hemorrhoids, small tears in the anus....but then I don't understand why there is no blood when she wipes.  I would have her see a Pediatric Gastroenterologist for an evaluation, this way there is no guessing. It's always best to error on the cautious side with things like this, and it may start to worry her creating a lot of anxiety on top of everything.  Has anyone been diagnosed with colon cancer in their 30's or 40's in your family?  This is one of the first things a gastro doc will ask you, as there are hereditary colon diseases. I wish I was of more help, but do get this checked out because something is obviously going on.  Take care.
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351724 tn?1267537018
Thank you for your response , she said it happens on her  last day of her period , and  to me that sounds strange and can a young girl at that age get hemroids ?  and about the hereditary colon diseases i dont know ill have to ask my family . Again thank you for your resonse. and and i am gonna be seeing if it happens again . because it only happened 3x each one on the last day of her period .
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I'm guessing it's just part of her period.
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she could have endometriosis and that is painful at times and can cause the blood in the stool. I had it at 16 and it was wrapped around the colon. Dont wait see the ob/gyn about it as soon as you can. If left untreated she can become unable to have kids or worse it can turn to cancer.
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I actually am having the same problem wondering what exactly is going on . I have several stomach issues. I have internal hemorrhoid, IBS, and 2hernias, and acid reflux. so Im not sure because the doctor said my hemorrhoids are nonbleeding
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I actually am having the same problem wondering what exactly is going on . I have several stomach issues. I have internal hemorrhoid, IBS, and 2hernias, and acid reflux. so Im not sure because the doctor said my hemorrhoids are nonbleeding
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I am 24 and am having this same problem. But I don't really have the money to go to the doctor for something that's not a big issue. Did you find out anything ? Did you go to the doctor ?
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